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"Refill please," I request, shaking my empty class in the direction of the maid who immediately replaces it with another drink

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"Refill please," I request, shaking my empty class in the direction of the maid who immediately replaces it with another drink.

I turn to Harper who is curled up on a sun bed, the sun beating down on her face and causing her bright blonde hair to look almost luminescent.

Harper was discharged from the hospital four weeks ago.

We returned back to the academy but it was clear Harper wasn't in the best mental state. She would refuse to go outside no matter how many layers we would put on her, terrified of getting frostbite again.

I spoke with my parents and we decided it would be best to take her on a little get away somewhere hot, just until December passes. We're currently relaxing in my parent's private villa in Spain, right next to where my dad grew up.

My parents are flying the boys over next week when school let's out for the Christmas holidays so right now it's just me and Harper.

Things have been been going great between us, I haven't officially asked her to be my girlfriend but we've been pretty much attached at the hip since the hospital. I don't know what it is about her, I just can't get enough of being around her.

Although things have been going great between us it's still been difficult.

At the hospital the nurse had a long conversation with us about Harper's eating problems. Ever since I met her I expected something bad was going on, with the constant exercising, the lack of eating and how skinny she is but I never expected it to be this bad.

The nurse told Harper she needed to be one hundred percent honest if she wanted help which made Harper breakdown crying. I held her as she reluctantly told the nurse everything from how she'll go weeks without any food to how she'll binge and purge in moments of desperation.

It physically hurt my heart hearing that, I couldn't even fathom what it would be like for her to deprive herself of food that long just because she was made to believe she didn't deserve it.

After the conversation with the nurse I rocked Harper in my arms like a baby as she tired herself out by crying. Once she was asleep, I stepped into the hall and found my mum who was already talking with the nurse.

They suggested sending Harper to a facility but to me that was worst case scenario. I know how nervous Harper gets in new situations so shipping her off to a completely different environment would only make her worse.

We left the hospital with a strict meal plan and my mum got in contact with her psychiatrist who gave us a lot of tips on how to help someone with an eating disorder.

So far it's been up and down, I find it's best to get her to eat something while we're out and exploring the city. That way she's so distracted that she has no time to even think about calories and exercise. 

I have a specific routine I've come up with for every meal, first I'll causally hand her the food while distracting her with conversation, I'll then eat something two times as big as her portion so she's not the only one eating and I won't even glance at her during meal times because I know she hates when people watch her eat.

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