Chapter 5 Baiyun Cake

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set up
turn on the light

    At first Zhou Junze didn't think there was anything to be locked up in the palace for three months, but after twenty days passed, he finally tasted the taste of boredom.

    There are only a few people who can be invited to mess around in the mansion, and he is not willing to entertain other people, nor does he want to invite people to eat and drink on his own site every day.

    He told the stewards to have some fun, but the stewards were trembling. Some trick troupes and juggling troupes were invited in. He thought it was too noisy. , he also thinks that people smell bad.

    Gold, silver, jewellery, fine wine and beauty, he has seen too much, nothing can interest him, let alone make him nostalgic.

    He was a young man with long hands and long legs, nestled in an armchair like a child, with his legs resting on the armrests, and said with a blank expression: "It's boring." Cold sweat broke out on the backs of the three managers


    He was silent for a while, frowned, his eyes were dark and angry, and he said it again: "It's really boring."

    Following his two words, the sense of oppression in the room became even worse, and the manager couldn't bear it anymore. His knees softened and he knelt down, his eyes were filled with deep fear.

    The movement of kneeling down to manage affairs made Zhou Junze's eyes turn to him, he didn't care too much, walked a few steps on his knees, and put his forehead on the ground, "My lord, do you want to see the side concubine?" Zhou Junze looked at him for a while, his brows gradually flattened

    , Ke Ke nodded, "Let's go then."

    The manager let out his strength and collapsed on the ground like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

    He is in charge of Liangfengyuan, if it can make the prince feel better, everyone's life will be easier, if not, then the most unlucky one will be Liangfengyuan instead of himself.

    At the same time, Xue Jialuo was being taught by Yuehe, a layman, in the dormitory.

    Yuehe still listened to what Qingyun said last time, she thought, the side concubine is now the only one with a serious status in the mansion, she has more opportunities to serve the side concubine than the other first-class maids, why not give it a try , she acted in a more subtle way, even if the side concubine was rejected, the worst would be to leave the side concubine and return to her original place.

    But if successful, the benefits are unimaginable.

    Xue Jialuo is worse than a smart child, she has to rely on others to take care of everything, she doesn't know anything, she doesn't know anything, if she wins over the prince with her beauty, she has to rely on herself .

    It's just that she had a good idea, but it was quite difficult to implement it.

    First of all, she is not a woman in the court of love and moon, and she rarely even meets men, and she has no idea how to make men addicted to this kind of thing.

    During this period of time, she secretly read a lot of obscene|poetry|erotic|poems, as well as some sexually explicit scriptures, which made her face flushed and her mouth dry these days.

    In theory, she understood vaguely, but how to teach the side concubine gave her a headache.

    She tried to teach Xue Jialuo how to walk, how to laugh, and how to sit. Xue Jialuo thought she was playing, and imitated her while laughing, and she would be what she should be after the end. She was in a hurry, and wanted to teach her those things directly behind the bed curtain like Qing Yun did.

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