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☆ 41. Chapter 41 Pregnant
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Chapter 41 Pregnant

Qiao Xin stretched out one hand from behind the curtain, and tightly clutched her clothes with the other, her face turned pale with nervousness, and her back was trembling.

The imperial doctor on the other side of the curtain said: "Congratulations to the princess, I'm happy."

She was like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced, and finally heard the pardon, tears welled up in her eyes, covered her face with her hands, and sobbed softly.

She had waited so long for this child that she was on the verge of despair.

The nanny gave her a reward and sent the imperial physician away, and said with a happy face: "The old slave also made a mistake in the pulse diagnosis of that girl in Chi that night. I didn't expect...God bless, I finally got out of my head." Qiao Xin stroked her flat belly

, With tears in his eyes, he smiled and said, "If he comes a step late, I will have to think of other ways..."

The nanny patted her lightly, "What you said frightened the servant, that kind of joke Can it be opened casually? It's okay, the little emperor's grandson is already in your stomach."

Qiao Xin just smiled.

She suddenly said that day that she would pretend to be pregnant and use someone else's child as a substitute. The nun was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth. Although she explained that she was joking, if there is no news from her stomach by this winter, her joke will become a reality.

Qiao Xin paced back and forth in the room touching her stomach, and said softly: "You must be afraid that your mother will go astray, so you obediently came into mother's stomach, right? For the sake of your mother's consideration, I don't blame you for making mother wait for four years."

Then, tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, and she wiped them away with her fingers, and said to the nanny, "Get ready for the clothes carriage, I want to enter the palace.

" Dazed: "You are entering the palace to..."

"Your Majesty has been worried for a long time that the crown prince's heirs will not be fertile. Naturally, I will be the first to tell him the good news. Maybe it will make his health better." Go to the back room, "There is also the queen mother, I can count on raising my head and chest to see her."

Zhou Junwen was really happy when he heard that, and said "Okay!" three times, he felt a lot more relaxed, his shoulders were no longer stiff, and his eyes were clear. , The long-standing depression in the chest dissipated instantly.

Zheng Yong congratulated repeatedly from the side: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, this is really a great joy."

Zhou Junwen even stood up without the help of the maid, walked two steps with the help of the table, and said with a red face: "Come on, I want Give the Crown Princess a reward!"

Not only did he bestow all kinds of precious treasures, but he also appointed the Crown Princess's mother as a Madam, made her younger brother a Viscount, and said: "The Qiao family has raised a good daughter for the Crown Prince!" Qiao

Xin He stood up and wanted to salute, but he quickly stopped him: "No, you are heavy now, I promise you don't have to salute." Qiao Xin didn't refuse, and said meekly

: "Yes, my daughter-in-law obeys."

I don't think there is any better reward, and after hesitating for a long time, I said: "You go to pay your respects to your mother, she must have something to explain."

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