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☆ 66. Chapter 66 Apricot Blossom
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Chapter 66

After the death knell of apricot blossoms, the capital city became silent and solemn overnight. White lanterns were hung in front of every house, no one was seen in every street, and the market was not as lively as it was before spring in previous years.

As the weather warmed up, Xue Jialuo's mental state was also better than when she first came here. The number of times she was in a daze gradually decreased, and she was not as easily frightened as before. She slowly returned to the state of ignorance, fearlessness, and inattention to everything that a little fool should have.

She has become more and more picky eaters recently, even if she puts something she doesn't like in bread and feeds it to her, she can tell the difference, and keep it in her mouth for a long time without moving.

Today is even more so, I don’t eat anything from the beginning to the end, and I feel like I have been greatly wronged if I barely hold it in my mouth.

Liang Ying had no choice but to find out the expensive dim sum she bought specially, and carefully cut it into four pieces with a kitchen knife.

Xue Jialuo started to take it spontaneously. She first peeled off the outer puff pastry of the dim sum, and only ate a little bit of filling inside.

Liang Ying sighed sadly: "Why is this kid so picky?"

Xiao Que ate Xue Jialuo's puff pastry, licked her fingers and said, "My brother didn't eat when he was young, so my father made him hungry, saying She is so hungry and eats everything."

"How can she be the same as your brother?"

Xiao Que was thinner than Xue Jialuo, and Xiao Que ate two sheets of pancakes in one meal, but Xue Jialuo looked full after only eating the fillings of two dim sum. Yes, relying on four snacks to support the whole day.

In the evening, Liang Ying took Xue Jialuo to wash and sent her to bed. When she wanted to undress her, she squeezed her wrist and said with a smile: "How did our A Luo grow up? We eat as little as a kitten, but our body is so fleshy." Huh."

Xue Jialuo retracted her arms, sat on the bed with her back facing her, and didn't want her to undress herself.

Liang Ying knew that she would put on and take off by herself, so she laid out the quilt and said, "Then you take off by yourself and put the clothes on the stool, you know? There are only two silks and satins, the material is easy to hang, so be careful." Xue

Jialuo He didn't turn around until he heard the sound of the door and the footsteps went away, untied his belt and took off his clothes.

She lay in the middle of the bed, and after a few breaths, she became sleepy and closed her eyes. As if there was another person beside her, she curled up and lay on her side, leaving a large bed for the non-existent person.

Ning Yi came alone. Liang Ying heard someone knock on the door, and when he opened it, he was surprised: "Where's your father?" As she spoke, she poked her head out to look around.

Ning Yi was like a saw-mouthed gourd, he gave the gift in his hand forward, and only said: "My father asked me to bring it here."

Liang Ying took it, looked at it and asked: "Good boy, thank your father for grandma. Is it cold if you wear so little? There is a stove in the house, come in to warm up, have you eaten? What do you want to eat? Grandma will make it for you." Ning Yi

just walked with her head buried in her head, without saying a word.

Xiao Que and Xue Jialuo were sitting in the room turning over the flower rope. When Xiao Que heard the voice and looked up at someone, she immediately jumped up: "Grandma, that's him!" "...

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