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When the article came out, it was different than what Rebecca expected on the count of Ted winning over Trent.

But she got over it, because after another loss, she, Alicia, and Higgins were more concerned with a fundraiser auction thing they were putting on to help children.

Unfortunately for Higgins, he was sat at the boring table.

"Alicia, you're Roy's plus one, yes?"


"You two will be at table eleven, ok?"

"Yes. Also, the Milk sisters cancelled, so there's a couple free seats at the boring table should something happen."

"Good. Could you settle the whole meal thing with Coach Beard and check if Ted has a plus one?"

"Of course."

She went and did all this while yelling out the window, since training was going on out there. She ducked her head back in and said "Beard will have chicken, and Teds plus one is Nathan the kit man," as if they couldn't hear her and Ted yell it all back and forth.

After training was over, Alicia was helping Rebecca decide what to wear from a big rack of dresses. She browsed through them.

"Too sparkly. Too long. Oh, this one would be good if it wasn't too many sizes too small."

"Ah, that one is for you. I thought you'd like it."


"Yes. Does it strike your fancy?"

"It-it does, it's lovely."

"Good, it's yours."

"I—thank you!"

Ted came in after a knock. "Hey, boss! Ooh, Pajama Friday? Aw, wish I would've known," he said after seeing Rebecca in her robe.

She stopped him before he could get into an anecdote about pajamas. "Was there anything you needed? Because I'm having Alicia handle some things for me, so please ask her."

"Will do." He turned to her. "Hey kiddo, is
there any way me Jaime and Roy could sit at the same table tonight?"

"Yes, I'll take care of that."

"Great! I got some fences I need to mend there, and that just might do the trick."

Alicia nodded politely before pointing at a dress Rebecca seemed to be considering. "That one. It's good."

"Yes, is quite lovely, but... I don't think I can get away with that anymore."

"Never thought I'd be there to see a rich white lady think she can't get away with anything. And I'm still not, you'd look amazing in that."

"Yeah!" Ted agreed. "Fashion's all about the confidence. If I didn't have confidence, I never would've worn pajamas to my prom and ended up in jail the rest of the night, but you don't wanna hear that story, so I'll just get outta your hair. You're probably all revved up from the shindig, right?"

The Lasso Effect                     𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now