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(Edited)(third person)
The next day Ella got dropped at kindergarten and went to her seat

"Hey Ava!" Ella said excited

"Hey Ella" Ava said smiling "wanna draw with me?"

"Sure" Ella said getting a piece of paper and crayons and started to draw

Few moments later all of the sudden someone grabbed the paper and stood in the middle of the room (the teacher was gone)

Ella spun around and stood up and saw that it was Maya

Maya stood and held out the piece of paper in from of Ella

"Aww look at what the ugly rat drew" Maya ripped the paper in half then crumbled it up and threw it at Ella "aww what a shame oh well"

Ella was furious and had enough and ran at Maya and tackled her to the ground and started to hit her

Everyone in the room chanted fight as the teacher walked in and saw

The teacher pulled Ella off of Maya "what is wrong with you two? Principals office both of you"

The teacher walked the two girls to the office and the principle called mayas mother and jj

Jj walked in and saw Ella sitting in a chair Maya and her mom in the other two

"What's going on?" Jj asked

"The problem is is that Ella here jumped onto Maya and hit her repeatedly until the teacher had to pull her off of Maya" the principle explained

"There has to be a reason behind that Ella wouldn't do it for no reason" jj said

"Well what was the reason then Ella?" The principle asked

"She's been mean to me!" Ella said " she ripped my drawing knocked over my blocks and called me ugly"

"That can't be true" mayas mom spoke up "my daughter would never do such a thing"

"She did though" Ella said trying to get her brother to believe her

"Maya is this true?" The principle ask

Maya looked down at the floor

"Yes sir" Maya said sadly

"Oh my god Maya why would you?" Mayas mom asked "is this because I didn't get you that Barbie?"

"Yeah" Maya said

"Oh my god I'm so sorry how she treated Ella" Mayas mom said to both the principle and jj

"It's okay but she has to be suspended for a week" the principle said "and Ella you can take the day off alright?"

"Okay" Ella said

"Thank sir sorry for the entire commotion" jj said picking Ella up and walking out

"Are you mad bubba?" Ella asked

"No baby I'm not mad you was sticking up for yourself" jj said " I'm proud of you for that"

Ella smiled

"How about we go get ice cream" jj said

"Okay!" Ella said excited

"Hey jj right?" Mayas mom came up with Maya

"Yes" jj said turning around

"I'm sorry again how Maya treated Ella it was wrong" jj said "and someone wants to say something to ella"

"I'm sorry I was mean to you ella" Maya said "can you pwease forgive me?"

"It's okay" ella said ella would get mad but she never holds grudges and forgave people

"I'm sorry again I promis this won't happen again" mayas mom said

"It's alright" jj said

They smiled and went there sepreate ways

Jj and ella got ice cream and went back to John bs

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