14....the end

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(Edited)(jjs pov)

It was almost a year later and I'm in a happy relationship with Hannah and Ella and river have gotten closer

Me and Hannah got jobs and worked up enough money to get an apartment for me,Hannah,Ella and river to all stay in it's all been good  but tonight I'm gonna ask Hannah to marry me I had everything planned and was setting it up

Ella and river wanted to help so I had them lay out roses and placed unlit candles to make a path where I was gonna be I lit the candles and I got a small ring I hope she likes it because it was all I could afford

After I lit the candles Hannah had pulled into the driveway I had ella stand by the door holding a bouquet of roses it's her favorite flowers and river  was gonna take her hand and guide her down the path

I was standing over bye the spot I had made for me to propose and was waiting

I heard the door open and heard Ella say

"Hannah!" Ella said "these are for you"

"Why thank you Ellie" hannah said taking the flowers

"Sissy come" river said grabbing Hannah's hand

"Alright I'm coming" hannah said

That was my que I knelt down holding the case with the ring in it

Hannah walked into the spot and looked shocked and happy when she saw

Ella and river stepped aside letting us have are moment

"Hannah I know we have only been dating for almost a year but I want to take it further I've been planning this for a while now I want you to know I love you and i want to ask" I said getting ready to ask the question "will you marry me?" (Ik it's really cringy and bad😫)

"Yes!" Hannah said excited " yes jj!"

I smile and place the ring on Hannah's finger and kissed her  and she kissed back

"Yay!!" Ella and river cheered

Ella hugged jjs leg so did river to Hannah we picked up the kids

"Can we have the cake now?" Ella asked

"Yes we can have the cake" I said

"Finally!" Ella said

She's been waiting for the cake sense I brought it home 

"Okay who wants the first slice?" Hannah says

"Me! Me!" Ella and river says

Hannah cuts them both a slice and hands them the cake at the same time

"Now yous both have the first slice" Hannah says

Me and Hannah got are slice of cake and we all ate and celebrated

It was a year later (cuz of the budget) me and Hannah was married and happy so was the kids so it was a win win for everyone

That was my story of me and my baby sister

The end!

(That's the end!!!! Hope yous enjoyed this book thank you guys so much for the support keep an eye out for my other books I'm gonna make a book completely by my self! My own names and plot I'm naming it my only true love keep watch for that and the other outer banks book/books coming soon and I have finished the greenhouse academy and I'm obsessed with it I recommend it and will be making a book on that as well but there's no details on it just yet but I'm planning on making it soon! But anyway hope yous enjoy this book thanks again for views,votes and over all support bye!!!)

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