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The next day, while Reed and Susan tested Ben and Johnny, I brought several plants and water glasses into the lab. I hadn't had a chance to fully test myself. Since I was able to summon ice and snow and manipulate the rose and vine imprint on my arm by thought, I wanted to see what I could do to actual plants since the facility.

When my brother and Johnny were done, Reed and Susan turned their attention to me. I froze a couple of water glasses and caused a potted ficus to grow to the size of a sycamore tree.

"It appears that half of your body is twenty percent plant and the other half is ninety percent ice," Reed told me.

"From your demonstration, you have arbor-kinesis and botanical manipulation," Susan added, "Also, glacial kinesis and snow generation."

"Cool," I nodded at the thought of freezing Johnny's butt into an ice cube if he harassed Ben any longer.

"Try to be extra careful with them Ari," Reed suggested, "Otherwise you may end up accidentally up freezing half of New York, or causing an overgrowth of all plant life if it gets out of hand."

"Got it. Don't overuse them."

Plus, it was suggested that wait a while until I could invite Layla and the others over to the building. None of us didn't want to accidentally hurt them with our powers. At least I could video chat with my friends. As enjoyable as having the power over ice and plant life was, I still needed to remain cautious.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's enjoying this," Johnny smiled as I saw him in the hallway after leaving the lab.

I noticed his shirt was singed with holes, "What happened there?"

"Burnt it."

"Looks like your clothes aren't safe from you, firestorm. Perhaps Reed might come up with something fireproof for ya."

"Perhaps he will, snowberry."

I smirked at Johnny and headed for my room to video chat with Layla.

Later on, Reed pulled out our synthetic suits, which we were wearing when the storm hit the station. I wound up slipping into mine and met up with the others in the living room where Ben lounged on one of the couches

"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm, like us," Reed explained, "So they can transform like us, becoming invisible, changing size on demand, or remaining impervious to flame and blending with the elements."

"You guys look like an '80s rock band," Ben laughed at us seeing our attire.

"You know, Ben, this material stretches. I'm sure I can figure out a way to make it fit," Susan started before being cut off.

"I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." My brother wasn't a fan of the suit, to begin with.

"I love these costumes," Johnny grinned in excitement, "They're missing something, though. Needs, like, spice--,"

"They're not costumes,"  Reed corrected him.

"You can't use your powers in public, Johnny," Susan added.

I shook my head as Johnny did a few poses as if he was having his picture taken.

"You guys are worse than NASA," he sighed and walked away.

"Johnny!" Susan called out at him.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt," Ben chuckled.

"Yeah. He could use a harness," I joked and my big bro laughed at the same time.

I found out the hard way that going out was not a bright idea. Susan and I decided to head out for a walk. A crowd of people overwhelmed us upon recognizing the both of us when Susan stopped at a newspaper and magazine stand and saw her picture on a People cover. With no other option, Susan tore off her clothes as she ran and became invisible. 

As I ran in the other direction, I discovered that I could turn myself into a gust of snow and leaves, but that resulted in me losing the outfit I was wearing and arriving on the balcony back at the Baxter Building naked. Reed found me and covered me with an extra lab coat. I ran to my room before Johnny could see me. Thankfully, Ben was around when I made my unexpected return and was able to prevent the hothead from seeing me.

I was called back to the lab for another test right after I changed. Reed had me enter a small chamber that was similar to the one Johnny was in during his test. I focused on how I felt when I was running from the crowd of fans. Scared and startled, my whole self became the same snow and leaf gust combination. It was best that I don't head out for a while until I had my turning into an ice flurry under control. 

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