Chapter Two - Father

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Hi guys!
Hope you enjoy the chapter 😊


When I sat down the principal started talking "I called the both of you to my office to tell you some news"

"I got a call from the police station and I'm sorry to say this but your father was in an accident and he couldn't survive...I'm sorry"the principal said with pity in his eyes.

When he said this, my eyes widened and I heard a gasp by my side.

"What do you mean he was in an accident" Lexi said with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry...but a police officer is bringing you to the station so that you can go and see your father in the hospital" by now tears were streaming down my face too as the principal said that.

We came out of the principals office with tears on our face.

I didn't even say a word before Lexi ran to her locker to pack her things.
I went to my locker and started packing my books too.

When I finished packing my stuff, I went outside to wait for the police officer who was going to pick us up.

When I went outside, I saw Lexi on a bench crying with her legs pulled to her chest and her face buried inside her hands.

I went and sat down close to her and started rubbing her back "shhh... don't's going to be fine." I may not have been close to John but Lexi was close to him. He was her superhero, her dad and now he's gone.

She was always a daddy's girl while I was always a mummy's girl. Although he was not our real dad she still loved him like her real dad.

I was so busy in consoling Lexi I didn't see the police officer in front of us till he cleared his throat.

"Are you Alexis and Ava John" he asked us "yeah" I answered cause I know Lexi isn't going to respond to him in her state. By now she have stopped crying and just have some dried tears on her cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"I need you to come to the to the station with me" he said

Lexi stood up and started following him while I was behind them.

We got inside the car and the officer drove the car to the police station. We entered the station and sat down in front of the officer. He cleared his throat and started talking "I'm sorry to say this but we couldn't find your dad. When he was driving this morning, a car crashed into him by the side and since he was close to a bridge, his car crashed into the bridge and fell inside the water. Unfortunately, we couldn't find him."

Tears started streaming down both mine and Lexi's face. The officer looked at us with pity.

"What will hap..pen us now, both our p..p..parents are d..ea..d and we don't have else" Lexi stuttered with tears on her face.

" we going to go to an or..pha..nage now" I asked the officer.

"We searched the system and we found out that you have a father who was willing to take you in."

"What!" Lexi and I shouted. "Our real father wants to take us in" Lexi asked the officer. "Yes... when your step-dad died we searched the system and called your father if he was willing to take you in." "And he accepted" I asked again just to make sure what he was saying was true. "Yes, he's going to come and pick you up but since he's in New York, he's going to be a little late."

"A social worker is going to take you to your house and you can start packing your things"

When he said that, he signaled someone behind us to come. "Hi I'm Faith and am going to be your social worker" she said with a small smile on her face. We started following her to her car so that she can take us back to our house.

When we entered the car her voice changed to that of pity "I'm so sorry for your loss" "it's okay" Lexi replied. The remaining car ride was spent in silence, but once in a while she will look at us from the rear mirror and throw us a look of pity.

That's a thing that I hate-pity. I don't like when people look at me with pity, its so disturbing and it makes me uncomfortable.

Soon we reached our house. She parked the car and we went out and Lexi opened the door with the key. We entered our house and went inside our room to pack.

I finished packing before Lexi cause her things are more plenty than mine. I went downstairs and saw the social worker-Faith looking at the house.

"Can I bring you anything?" she jumped and put her hand on her chest when I asked her the question. "Just water please" she said with a small smile on her face.

I went to the kitchen and pour her a glass of water and went back to the living room and gave her the water.

"Can you please call your sister so that we can get going to the airport" she asked me. I went to our room but didn't see Lexi. So I picked up my suitcase and went downstairs to keep it by the door. I went back upstairs and grab my bag back and put my diary with some important stuff and my stuff toy bunny-Mr Whiskers. My mom gave it to me when I was there years old, since then It was always with me.

I went downstairs and saw Lexi bringing her two suitcases with her bag back. "Are you ready" Faith asked us. We just nodded.

We climbed into the car and went to the airport. It wasn't far from our house. Our old house.

We reached the airport and she packed her car. We climbed out of the car and went inside the airport. Well I thought it was the airport till I realized it wasn't the airport. I had a confuse look on my face as well as Lexi. "Um...where are we going"Lexi asked. "Your dad is not coming to the airport. He has a private jet that is bringing him here." I was shocked cause I didn't know our father was this rich.

We continued walking till we reached a place with securities. They searched us as well as our bags and suitcases and then allowed us to enter. When we entered we saw two men standing.

Faith started walking towards them and we followed her. One of the men's back was facing us and his head covered the other person's face so we couldn't see them.

When Faith got close to them, she cleared her throat and they turned to look at us. They looked behind Faith and saw Lexi cause I was behind her and their face turned to a smile. I came out from behind Lexi and their smile turned to a frown.

Both of them have green eyes like Lexi and they both look like her. They exchanged some words with Faith and they came to us.

"Hello my name is David King. And this is my son Damien King." He said while smiling at Lexi and not sparing me a glance.

That's the second chapter 😊
See you next time

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