chapter 14

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Enya, cynthia's grandmother, had woken up and went to grab cynthia's phone that was sat on her dresser every morning. when she didn't feel the phone, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. she tried to remember if she had moved it at all, but she believed she didn't. the woman shook her head, slowly walking out of her room and to the guest room. she pushed the door open, expecting cynthia to be awake since it was almost noon, but she was met with a sleeping cynthia.

she looked around the room, trying to see if cynthia's phone was anywhere in sight, but turned back to her when she heard shuffling noises.

the woman took a step forward, seeing her phone propped up with a pillow, not too far away from her face. on the screen, was a boy who slept with his lips slightly parted.

enya shook her head, guessing that was the boy she had ran off with, and slowly stepped out of the room. as she walked down the hallway, going into the living room, she smiled to herself.

as cynthia's eyes opened and her arms stretched out, she looked back at where her phone was when she fell asleep, seeing as it was still propped up, and that darrian was still on the phone, asleep.

cynthia wasn't sure if darrian had fallen asleep after her, so she wasn't sure if he was going to wake up anytime soon. she bit her lip slightly as she looked at his face, missing seeing it in person. she quickly took a picture, before ending the call. she left him a message, letting him know that she would call or text him later on if she still had her phone.

cynthia stood to her feet, walking over to the dresser she had out all of her clothes in to make her life easier, so she didn't have to dig through her bag each time she wanted to change.

she grabbed a pair of black sweatpants, and darrians hoodie that she never returned. she took of her previous clothes, not bothering to grab a shirt, only putting the hoodie over her bra as she found it more comfortable that way.

once she was dressed, she slowly stuffed her phone in her sweatpants pocket, before leaving her room and walking to the bathroom that was right next to it.

she brushed her teeth, and fixed her curly hair a little, before slowly leaving the bathroom.

she was nervous, as she was sure her grandmother had realized her phone was missing. she took a deep breath, preparing herself to just give the phone back, before slowly walking into the living room.

her grandmas head lifted as she entered the room, but her eyes just went back to the television. cynthia's eyes squinted, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. does she not know? she thought to herself.

although, as enyas hand raised and she patted the couch, telling cynthia to sit in the spot next to her, her mind changed.

cynthia sat next to her grandma, her fingers tapping on her thighs as she started to become nervous. the woman had also made cynthia nervous. she was sure it was because enya had always been so judgmental, but she was also very intimidating.

she slowly reached in her pocket, feeling her phone before slowly pulling it out. as she placed the phone on her grandmothers leg, enya chuckled.

"we haven't talked about it yet." enya spoke, turning to cynthia who's sighed and laid her head back. "do we have to?"

enya smiled at her granddaughter, "i'm not gonna get you in trouble, bear. i just wanna talk to you about it."

cynthia's lips curled into a smile when she heard the nickname. enya and serenity had started calling cynthia 'bear' ever since her fourth birthday when she had gotten a small bear ad a present. the small girl had became attached to it, she would bring it almost everywhere with her, just for comfort. a little after she had turned six, she had lost it. she never knew what happened to the bear, which left her devastated for awhile. but close to her seventh birthday, her grandmother had gotten her another bear. even though the girl was older than she had been when she first got the bear, she still felt much better with another one. to this day, cynthia has the bear her grandma got her.

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