Chapter 5

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3rd person POV:

"L/n-san can you give this papers to T/n(Baki's teacher name)? They are very important" Y/n's teacher asked her in the middle of the class. Y/n got the papers and left the classroom without a word but that didn't faze anyone since that was a normal thing.

"And you all get back to work!" The teacher said angrily for students to stop daydreaming, admiring and looking after Y/n

'Oh god how much I hate Mondays' she thought while carrying the papers. 'What happened to Sikorsky and Iguro? And Spec with Hanamiya I wonder....' her stray of thoughts was cut off as she opened the door to T/n's classroom.

"For example....even if Usain Bolt sprinted at full speed from the very edge of the field, he wouldn't be able to jump up to this classroom on the second floor." she saw how T/n was giving Baki a lecture about something. But T/n was soo catch up on his lecture that he didn't even notice Y/n standing in front of the classroom door despise the murmurs and whispers of the student so he continued

"Even Bolt would need to use the stair....blah blah blah" at that moment Y/n sensed something

'Someone's outside' she thought warily. But the stupid teacher still continued

"But the human intellect can help us overcome such limits!" right at that moment someone jumped inside from outside, breaking the window.

The End

What? Why are you still here?


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

The said person landed on one of the desks and guess who it was...................

"I saw you being chewed out by your teacher from down there. Didn't want to waste any time, so I came up the fastest way" he said while standing in front of Baki

"Excuse me-" T/n tried to talk but was punched on the stomach 

"As simple as that. How rude of me" he said mockingly

"I'm sorry" Baki said crying and while the man was surprised he kicked him on the face with his desk having both legs under it

"Made you look!!" he shouted while he did that

Ok now it's the end for real

I'm planning on doing one episode in one chapter 'cus I'm comfortable that way ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

I'm finally done with my exams AND I surprisingly DIDN'T FAIL q(≧▽≦q)

Till next time :)

Bye-Bye ❤

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