Chapter 12

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3rd person POV:

"Baki? You're here to check up on Retsu too?" Y/n met Baki in front of the hospital. It was the day before when Retsu fought Pickle and lost his right leg.

"Y/n? Yes I am. How about we go together?" Baki walked up to Y/n as they entered the hospital

 How about we go together?" Baki walked up to Y/n as they entered the hospital

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"So it is true. You were bitten. Or rather, you were eaten" Baki said to Retsu as he and Y/n entered his room. "When they told me what that caveman did, I didn't believe 'em- OWW!!!!! Y/n what was that for!!!!!?!!?!" Y/n smacked Baki's head with her fist "You do not say those things to Retsu!!! Can't you see his condition??!" Y/n started to lecture Baki as Retsu chuckled at their childishness

"Hahaha way to ease up the tenseness Y/n!" Retsu chuckled

"So, how you holding up?" "Are you ok?" Y/n and Baki turned serious as they waited for Retsu's answer

"Hm! Never better" Retsu tried to reassure. Baki looked down to Retsu's bandaged leg where the lower part was missing "Really?". "..........whatever helps you sleep at night I guess" Y/n said while leaning to the wall. Both her and Baki not buying anything Retsu said

"Well, am I less than ecstatic about it? Yes, I am. Am I a little upset? I'd be lying to say I'm not" Retsu says seriously

"Okay" Baki was a bit taken a back. Y/n just watched silently

"I'm a fighter who lost a fight. And part of my body as well. But there's no dishonor in that" Retsu explained while not being upset at all. "Definitely not" Baki agrees. "No, my shame lies elsewhere. I boasted of a courage I didn't have. I claimed I was ready to face the consequences, when I wasn't" Retsu was now a bit disappointed and ashamed. But Baki and Y/n disagreed with him

"That's not what Tokugawa and Y/n said. They told all about it. For everything I head, you nothing to be ashamed of" "Stop degrading yourself already and hold your head high" Baki and Y/n said confidently

"Don't I? Neither of you can know for sure, can you? At the end of the day, the only person who really knows the answer to that is me" 

"'To give one's all'. To be 'prepared to die' or 'ready to kill'. People say the words, but do they really mean them? They're just empty words without the willpower to back them up. I'd been forewarned. I accepted the consequences. And yet, I broke my pledge" Retsu looked down remembering his last conversation with Tokugawa "I offered myself before I knew what the words meant" He looked away "That is my dishonor" Retsu concluded with self hatred

"You made yourself a perfect fighter. Turned your body into a living weapon. That's been taken from you. And that's gotta hurt" Baki said as Retsu still looked down in shame.

Rena was still silent

"But it's not your missing leg that's causing you pain. You're hurting inside. But I'm telling you, you should take pride in that pain" Baki continued his speech as that finally made Retsu rise his head and look at Baki

"Sea King Retsu is a legendary martial artist. You're a living national treasure of the People's Republic of China" Retsu was quick to deny it but Baki did not give up

"You know your name has a really cool meaning. I looked it up a while ago. Retsu. It means fierce, intense, never straying from the path, always laser focused. That's exactly who you are. Your fighting skills are so insanely impressive that that's what people ever think about. But your real worth lies in the straight of your incredible spirit" Baki finally finished his long monologue as Retsu finally accepted everything that Baki said 

"Oi Retsu" Both Baki and Retsu turned their heads towards Y/n "You fought well damn good got it! So be proud of everything you did and achieved! We are all proud of you!" Rena smiled warmly

"Thank you, Baki, Y/n. Everything you two did. It means a lot to me" Retsu thanked them both

".........also.....Baki!" Baki turned to Y/n "Yea?"

Rena looked at him with an unreadable expression " you have a crush on Retsu?" "..........." "............."

Baki's eyes turned into sources "WHATTTTTTT!?!???!?!?!?". Rena looked at him with a serious face "Well you did search Retsu's name thoroughly..................................and that's suspicious"

"OH LORD NOOO!!!!! I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! VHSJJDHJHJKADNBHJUNSFSJ" Baki started to freak out while shaking Y/n. Meanwhile Retsu was having the laugh of his life




Pickle was walking around Tokyo in Takeshi Kenmochi's clothes that he stole (if anyone knows what happened to him pls tell me 'cus it's a mystery for me. Like is he alive or did Pickle eat him) as he looked everywhere with big wide sparkling eyes since everything was unfamiliar to him

As he was walking on one of the streets he smelled something........or maybe someone...........which led to Pickle crossing the street on the red line while getting the attention of our dear 'Main Protagonist Killer: Track-kun'!!!!!!!!.


'The food in XXX restaurant was really good!!' Y/n was walking home. After visiting Retsu, she and Baki went to XXX restaurant to have dinner, after that they parted ways. 

Y/n heard a commotion going on the next street but she just ignored it and continued her way while humming a song to herself

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Pickle saw her. He smelled and saw his dear sweet mate. Y/n. 

'Y/n!! She's so beautiful!! I want to hug her right now!!'

He ran to her but the strange animal *truck* suddenly attacked him

As Pickle 'defeated' his enemy he saw all the meat that was inside it and since he was veryy hungry he started to devour it while Y/n went home

Hey everyone!!!!!!

I just wanted to say...........................................

8.2K READS AND 177 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


I'm so happy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like this literally made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love you all ❤❤❤❤❤


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