Chapter 20

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3rd person POV:

Y/n woke up from her deep slumber as she groggily rubbed her eyes 'What the hell is going on? What is this place? Who am I? And why is this pillow so weirdly comfortable?' she thought to herself while trying to get rid of the blurriness in her eyes.

Only after a few minutes she remembered what was her name and what happened the night before. At that she jolted up only to become dizzy and fall back down on the comfy pillow that surprise surprise was actually Pickle's massive chest.

Her movement woke Pickle up and he still half sleeping wrapped his arms around Y/n to keep her in place while letting out a small growl.

Y/n was blushing furiously at the memories from last night. 'Oh dear God that was so embarrassing!!.......But damn it did feel good'

After trying to get out of Pickle's iron grip Y/n managed to do that by placing a pillow in her place so that Pickle continues to sleep.

She then quickly got out of the big bed and oh boy that was a mistake. She instantly fell down with a thud, her legs wobbly and a dull but bearable ache between her legs. Pickle really did a number on her. At that Y/n looked at Pickle thinking that he woke up but saw him peacefully sleeping.

She slowly got up and walked towards the huge pool near their bed while clutching at the walls and other objects to keep her balance as she cussed under her breath in a small whisper to not wake Pickle up.

.         .          .

"Hot water is the best thing in the world" Y/n mumbled as she enjoyed her pool/bath experience.

She was nearly fully in the water only the top part of her head starting from her nose in the air. But then suddenly a pair of big arms wrapped around her smaller form. At that Y/n let out a yelp resulting in her unintentionally drinking a bit of the pool water while choking on it.

Let's just say that after that Pickle was helping his mate...well...not die for nearly 5 minutes because he didn't know what to do and was just running around the room panicking while Y/n was having a very bad coughing fit. The poor caveman was panicking so bad that he felt like his heart would give out any moment now.

Thankfully the catastrophy was prevented as Y/n started to normally breath again without constant coughing. After that she looked at Pickle and Pickle looked at her. They just stared at each other for some time.

"I was about to die.." she mumbled and then bursted out laughing her head off. Pickle just stood there concerned but after seeing his wife happy he also stared to laugh.

"Oh my Lord hahahaha!!!! I was about to die from chocking on water hahahahahaha!!! Water!!! And you hahaha!! You were panicking and running around so much hahaha!!" Y/n wiped some tears from laughing so much and hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"You have no idea how adorable you are Pickle! I love you so much!" She kissed him as they now calmly sat in the pool enjoying each other's embrace.

.        .         .

".....wait a minute...when did you wake up?" Y/n asked as she slowly turned around only to see Pickle snickering and sliming a fox smile

"Oh you little sly fox! You were awake the whole time!!?" Y/n exclaimed in shock and got a small nod with a sly smirk as a response.

"You were watching me struggle to get from the bed to pool and not doing anything!!?"

At that Pickle nodded his head again. Waiting the results of his work on her was the best feeling for Pickle so of course he would not stop that.

After that Y/n did not talk to Pickle for some time but quickly forgave him as he made a beautiful sculpture of her from the pillows. He's a very artistic man and knows what his wife likes.

Hey everyone!

Guess who's back??? That's right! I'm back from hell!!!!

But the bad thing is that I got to go back there...

Studying for exams is a fricking struggle!

And the fact that I also have to go to school which, let me tell you is the definition of hell, is really taking a toll on me..

But I finally managed to find a spear time to write!!! Yayy!!!

Anyway hope you liked it

Bye bye ❤️❤️

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