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Three days later

Catherine's pov

It is a sunny evening. I was watering the plants. It has been two days since I was discharged from the hospital. I observed my plants closely. They are growing up fast. The leaves have a dark green color. I touched the leaves and talked to them. They answered me by shaking themselves. I was so engrossed in the conversation with them that I didn't notice someone's presence behind me.

I looked backward. It was Serena. She was standing there.

"Who are you talking to? " she asked me, looking around.
"My children?" I answered her question.
"Youred. " Your children," she repeated. I know she must be confused.
"My plants. They are my children. "My answer made her eyes roll.
"Oh, so these are your kids," she said sarcastically.
"Yeah, rows" Rena. You should consider your plants as your own and talk to them. Then only it grows up fast," I taught her.
"Then others will think that you lost your mind," she laughed.
"There is no one here other than an intruder," I said. People can only see this if they break into my house.

She muttered something under her breath.
"So, how are you now?" Cerena placed a hand on my forehead and checked my temperature.

"I am more than fine," I answered to her, and I continued to water the plants.
"So where were you these days? " I asked. She looked downward.
I haven't seen her since she dropped me off at home. Once, she called me, and I explained the situation.
"I broke up with him," she said in one breath.

It was a shock for me. I lost the hold on the pipe. Why did she break up with him? They were both cute together. They even planned their marriage for the next year.

"Why? " I asked. I never thought of this coming.
"He was cheating on me. "It was another shock.
What?"  It was unbelievable.

"He told me he was with his sister, but she was not his sister," Serena continued.
"He told me she was his sister, while he told her I was his sister," she stopped.
What a cunning man he is! He was playing with two girls. How long does he cheat on Cerena? If she didn't find where this lead was, My mind was in a daze.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, and she gave me an amused look.
"Of course I am; why should I be sad about that scumbag? I am glad that I found it by myself  soon."
She surprised me. I thought she would cry and have depression. But Cerena took it calmly.
"Wow, that's good." I patted her shoulder.
"You know I slapped his face, and now my five fingers are printed on his left cheek," she said.
"Oh, girl. I never knew that you were a  badass."My compliment made her smile. She gave me a proud look and said, "He wasted my time. He doesn't deserve a girl like me."
"Sure, he doesn't," I agree with her. How can a person cheat on their loved one? They don't deserve love. My thoughts were interrupted by Cerena's loud voice. 

"Let's go to the club today," she said, holding my hand.
"No," I answered quickly. I don't think it is a good idea.
"Come on, cat. You have never been out of this house. Please come with me, she continued with her sweet voice.
"No, Serena. Bring your other friend, I said, looking away from her.
"You are my best friend. After all, I am a freshly broke one." She pulled my face to look into her puppy eyes. "Or don't you consider me your friend? "Here we go with the same dialogue.
"It is not like that. James won't be happy. I answered sincerely.
"Aren't you a grown woman?" she asked.
"Yeah, but..." I don't know how to explain.
"No buts. Message him that you won't be home when he returns from the office," she ordered.
"OK." Finally, I give in.

At club

"Cat, look around. All the eyes are on you, Cerena said in my ears. I looked around. Yeah, many eyes are scanning me.
"I don't want any boys. ", I showed my wedding ring to her face. "You should search for one.".
"I am here to drink and enjoy. I want to enjoy it for myself, she said, drinking a glass of Tequila.
"Slowly, Rena," I warned her. But she ignored me and took another glass.
"Anything more, miss?" the bartender asked both of us.
" No. I am happy with this. I drank the glass of non-alcoholic drink in my hand.
"Ignore her. Give me this more, she asked the bartender, to which he smiled.
"Serena, it's getting late," she pretended to don't hear me.
I kept glancing at the phone. He didn't view the message I sent to him. Is he home? Then he will understand that I am not there. What if he is searching for me?

"I am going to the washroom," Serena announced.
"Should I come with you?" I asked, but she rejected my offer.
"I am not that drunk, she said to the crowd. I sip my drink and often glance at the phone.

Suddenly, my phone rang. James's name appeared on the home screen. I walked to a corner.

"Hello," my voice is filled with joy.
" Catherine I am not coming home today. I am going on a business trip. It is very urgent."
He hung up the call, not waiting for my response. I opened our chat. The message I sent is still unseen. The joy I felt before was replaced with sadness and anger. I went back to the chair where I had sat before.
"Do you want anything, miss?" This was a new bartender.
"Is there any drink to forget someone? " I asked him. He laughed.
"Drinks are to forget your sorrows," he said, offering a glass of vodka.
It has a sour taste, but I gulped it. My throat started burning. But then it feels good. I ordered more. One after one, I lost count.

A man sat beside me. He took the glass in my hand. I looked at his face for a brief second and pulled back my drink.
"If you want, order yourself, man. Don't take mine. "I turned my face in the opposite direction and started sipping the glass.
"You know how many glasses you finished?" he asked, coming towards me.
"Why do you care?" Now we are face-to-face. Even James doesn't care.
"Are you here alone? " he asked. Is this man serious?
"Can't you see the crowd here? " I was mad. Why is this guy disturbing my peace? 
" Oh. Were you joking? Then I should laugh."
I took another glass and poured it into my mouth.
"It looks like you are drinking for someone else," he asked, analyzing my action.
"Are you a mentalist?" My question made him laugh. "No, I am a lawyer.".
"Then you should have contact with criminals, right?" I stated that I was completing my glass.
"I am a divorce lawyer," he answered.
"Then I should stay away from you," I said, standing up from my chair.
Why?"  he asked with confusion.
"Because I am married," I answered, searching for Cerena. She told me she was going to the bathroom. But she is not back yet.
"I don't forcefully divorce a couple," he said playfully.
"Oh, then what do you do? " I asked.
"I help people who want to part their ways," he answered professionally.

"Cat..." Cerena called from a distance. She was walking towards me carefully. Did she get drinks from the washroom? I am already stuttering, and now she is.
"Hloo!" she said to the man behind me.
"Cerena, let's go." I pulled her towards me. But I am barely standing.
"I will help you," the man who was talking to me before offered.
"No thank you," I rejected his offer and started walking. It was not a good idea. My legs betrayed me, and I was on the floor.
"See, I told you." He pulled me up. I looked to the side. Cerena was standing there, talking to the chair.
"I will take her," he promised and walked me out of the club. I sat in his car. After two minutes, he threw a drunk Serena into the backseat.

I told her the direction of my house, and we reached there in 30 minutes. He held me in one hand and Cerena in the other. I clicked the password for my house.
"How lucky you are. Your two hands have two beautiful girls, "Serena commented.
"Yeah, I'm very lucky to have two drunken girls in my hands," he retorted sarcastically.
"She is married to Mr. Busy Buddy, but I am free." She looked at him.

The door opened. He pushed me and Cerena to the couches and got out of the house. He said bye before closing the door.

My views are blurry. But I feel like I knew him before. Who is he?

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