30th May 1914

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Dear Matthew,

The first peach began to grow today. I came outside to write you this letter, and there was a small green fruit budding from one of the peach flowers! I hope it grows quickly so I can pick it—or maybe I should wish for it to grow slowly, so you can share it with me when you come home. How does that sound?

This time I'm sending you a new pair of boots. They were Mr. Smith's before he passed, and Mrs Smith was kind enough to offer them up for you. Isn't it wonderful, having a neighbour like her?

I've knitted you a pair of sturdy woollen socks, too, to keep your feet warm and dry and to keep away trench foot and polio.

Make sure you wear them, I don't want you coming back with blotchy feet and purple toes!

Actually, even if your feet are purple, I truly do want you to come home. So don't let diseased feet keep you away from me for one moment. I promise I won't mind.

I love you forever,


Dear MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now