Chapter Three

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Chapter Three | Look What You've Done, Joe

Date 📆 June 2023

"Why is your ass laying in my bed like it's all good?" Fahayra asked Joe as she walked into the bedroom and found him with his legs spread apart, laying there on the bed like she hadn't kicked him out of the house.

Fahayra glared at the man she once loved, or still loved. She was so infatuated with him and everything he's done. She wanted to kill him but she couldn't bring herself to hurt him. So instead she needed him out of sight. She walked into the closet.

Grabbing his belongings from the closet, stuffed them into random bags of his and stormed downstairs.

"Baby stop," Joe called out after her, putting on his sweats while running down the stairs.

He flinched away from her.

"What? What the fuck do you want to do, Joe?" She asked him as she placed his bags outside. "Go stay with that bitch," She told him.

"I'm not going nowhere," Joe told her, stubbornly.

"Motherfucker," She said as she shook her head.

Joe made a move to grab her but she dodged him.

"Don't fucking touch me," She warned him.

"Just talk to me," He tells her.

"I don't want to talk. Remember when I wanted to talk and you ignored me," She said as she punched him hard in the cheek. "You fucking played in my face. You had this bitch around my kids! You broke my heart!" She screamed as she started crying.

Joe's nose had flared, and his eyes narrowed as she hit him again, this time with her other fist, he didn't stop her, she managed to land four more solid punches to his face before he caught her wrist.

"Stop putting your hands on me," Joe said.

"Fuck you," She spat at him and with her free hand, slapped him hard across the cheek.

"Stop it!" He shouted at her.

Now that he had both her wrists in the tight hold, he looked pissed.

"No, you better be lucky all I'm doing is hitting you because what I really want to do is kill you and make sure no one ever finds your body," She said with a look in her eyes that made Joe let go of her wrists and take a step back from her. "I hate you so much like I never knew I could have so much hate in my heart for someone but you, Joe, you have managed to do this to me. I need you to leave. I don't want to see your face anymore," She told him as she looked down at her hands to calm down.

Breathing heavily, her eyes were glued to her hands.

Joe was honestly scared. He had never seen her behave this way. "Fahayra... Fah, look at me," He said with his voice gruff and low.

Tears began to well in Fahayra's eyes.

"Leave me alone," She said.

She winced as her voice cracked.

"Please, Fahayra look at me, baby," He tells her.

Tears fell down her face as she mustered up the courage to look him in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was being selfish," He said.

"Do you know what you've done, Joe? To me. I asked you. Now I found out you were cheating on me with another woman. You had kids with her. You brought my kids around her. You lay in the same bed as me every other night. You were my first everything. You have my heart and you broke me for what? Was I not enough?" She asked him.

"No, it wasn't you. This is all on me," He answered.

Fahayra felt like she wanted to throw up. She took a deep breath.

"I need space, Joe," She told him.

"I'm not leaving, we need to work through, I love you," He said.

She shook her head and ran back into the house, and upstairs to her bedroom. She locked the bedroom door behind her to make sure Joe couldn't get in. She gets in bed. She wallows in her sorrows and curls up in bed, crying herself to sleep.

Meanwhile, Joe carries his bags to the guest room. He knows he fucked up but he refuses to let Fahayra end their relationship. He loves her and is going to fight for their family.

Their oldest daughter Khaila walks into the guest room as Joe is unpacking his things and glares at her father.

"She's crying. You said you never make the people you love cry but all you have done is made my mom cry and I don't like that," Khaila said crossing her arms over her chest.

"This is grownups' business stay out of it," Joe tells his daughter.

Khaila shook her head no.

"So, now it's grownups' business but it wasn't when you had us around your second family. That's messed up, Dad. You've ruined our family," Khaila said, before walking away.

Joe breaks down and starts crying.

"I'm sorry," He whispered.

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