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A few days after

Jungkook became gentle and nurturing with Taehyung, something that he had never seen before.

He made soup, helped him with household chores, and held him when he cried.

“Shh, it’s ok, darling, it’s ok.”

Jungkook would always say in order to calm his husband even though he himself was grieving in pain.

He even took time off work to be there for his husband.

Through this experience, Jungkook realized the importance of being more observant of Taehyung's emotional needs.

They both knew that they wanted to start a family someday, and Jungkook promised to be there for Taehyung every step of the way.

Jungkook had always been a cold and aloof husband to Taehyung, preferring to keep his emotions bottled up rather than expressing them.

Jungkook had always been a man of few words.

He had always been quiet and distant even before he met Taehyung.

But when he found out that he and Taehyung were expecting their first child, something changed in him.

He was overjoyed and excited to finally become a father.

However, it was not meant to be.

Something went wrong in the pregnancy, and they lost the baby.

Jungkook tried to be strong for Taehyung, but he was falling apart inside.

He couldn't bear to see the pain on Taehyung’s face, so he grieved silently.

He didn’t cry in front of Taehyung or talk about his own feelings.

He kept it all bottled up inside, thinking he was protecting Taehyung from further hurt.

But his silence only made things worse.

Taehyung felt like he was the only one grieving and that he wasn’t allowed to talk about his own pain because he didn’t want to upset Jungkook.

Jungkook also realized that he hadn’t been treating Taehyung with the care and attention he deserved.

He had been too focused on his work and had neglected their relationship.

He knew he had to make it up to Taehyung and show him how much he loved him.

It was hard for Jungkook to open up and talk about his feelings, but he knew it was necessary for their relationship to heal.

He finally sat down with Taehyung and let out all his pain and grief.

He expressed his regret for not being there for Taehyung when he needed him the most.

Taehyung listened to Jungkook’s words and understood that he was also hurting.

They both cried and held each other, finally able to grieve together instead of alone.

From that moment on, Jungkook made it his mission to take care of Taehyung and show him how much he loved him.

He made time for their relationship and showed Taehyung that he was the most important thing in his life.

When he saw his sensitive husband breaking down and refusing to eat meals, he knew he had to do something to help him cope.

Sitting down beside Taehyung, Jungkook gently took his hand and said, "Darling, I know it's been tough for you lately, but I'm here to support you. You don't have to go through this alone, baby."

Taehyung looked up at him, tears still streaming down his face, clutching his tummy, and whispered, "I miss him so m-much. I can't believe he's g-gone."

Jungkook held him close, feeling his own heart break at the sight of his husband's pain.

He knew he had to be gentle with Taehyung, not wanting to push him further into his grief.

"Let's take it one day at a time, okay? Love?" Jungkook murmured.

"I'm here for you, whether you want to talk about it or just need someone to hold you."

Taehyung nodded, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder as he found some comfort in his husband's words.

“I love you.”

Jungkook spoke, kissing Taehyung’s forehead.

“I love you too.”

Taehyung sighs as he nuzzles further into Jungkook’s chest.

Jungkook continued to speak softly, telling him stories of happy times they shared together or simply listening as Taehyung expressed his emotions.

To be continued

When his cold husband cared for him after he had a miscarriage.Where stories live. Discover now