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Days had passed slowly but surely, Taehyung started to come out of his shell again.

He began eating meals with Jungkook and even started to smile occasionally.

It wasn't easy, and there were still days when he would break down, but Jungkook was there to support him every step of the way.

As time passed, Taehyung began to heal, finding solace in the love and support of his husband.

Jungkook may have been cold and distant, but he began to open up, telling why he ignored him and shared his insecurities.

Confessing how he is so ashamed of his mother’s action to which Taehyung hugged him and told him it’s not his fault.

Taehyung forgave Jungkook’s mother when she apologized genuinely, but it would never change the fact that her behavior caused their baby's life.

When Jungkook cut her off that day on the phone, she cried.

She cried hard in realization that she killed her grandchild because of greediness and from since the she had been begging for forgiveness from both Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung, being the kindhearted person, forgave her after some time while Jungkook did not he didn’t even want to see her face.

Mrs.Jeon respected that as she gave him space.

It had been two years since Taehyung had lost their first child in a heartbreaking miscarriage.

The pain had been unbearable for both him and his husband Jungkook.

They had tried to move on and heal from the loss, but It had seemed impossible as they were constantly reminded of the loss they had suffered.

Both of them had been longing for a child ever since then, but they had been afraid of the possibility of another loss.

Today was a special day.

Taehyung had made the decision to surprise Jungkook with the news of his pregnancy.

He had been keeping a secret from Jungkook for weeks now, and he was excited and nervous about revealing it to him.

The thought of having a child once again filled them both with hope and joy.

As he prepared for their surprise, Taehyung could feel his emotions running wild.

He was nervous and anxious about revealing the big news.

At the same time, he was scared and anxious because of his previous experience.

What would happen if history repeated itself?

What if he lost this child as well?

He was scared to even drink a cup of tea from Mrs.Jeon even though the woman felt hurt she was dying with guilt.

She was just jealous of Taehyung getting a different treatment from a Jeon.

When she had married into the Jeon’s family, she had been treated the same way from her husband, ignorance and being brought to give an heir.

The sad thing is that she is still being treated like that.

These thoughts often made him restless and dizzy.

Despite these fears, Taehyung had prepared everything for the big surprise.

He had made a special dinner for Jungkook and had set the table for two in their garden.

As soon as Jungkook arrived home from work, Taehyung led him to the garden, where they had a beautiful candlelit dinner.

“”Wow this beautiful, love.”

Jungkook kisses Taehyung softly, a sign of appreciation for the effort he put in to decorate the garden.

“Thank you, I wanted to talk to you.”

Taehyung mutters leading then to the chairs, and tables consist of Jungkook’s favorite food.

“Is something wrong, love?”

Jungkook frowns and scans Taehyung with his eyes to see any type of injury.

As they sat down to eat, Taehyung nervously began to reveal his surprise to Jungkook.

He took a deep breath and said, “Jungkook, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. I’ve been keeping it a secret for weeks, but I think it’s time for me to tell you. I’m pregnant.”

Tears rolled down his eyes as he placed his husband’s hand onto his stomach.

Jungkook had always known that his husband Taehyung was the softer one in their relationship.

Taehyung preferred romantic comedies to action thrillers, loved to cook and bake, and would often cry at the smallest things.

But it was this vulnerability that Jungkook loved most about Taehyung.

So when Taehyung announced that he was pregnant, Jungkook was over the moon with excitement.

He couldn’t wait to see his soft husband as a mother and to raise a child together.

As soon as Taehyung told him the news, Jungkook scooped him up in a big hug and spun him around.

“Our baby,” he kept whispering. “Our beautiful baby.”

As they sat together on the couch, Taehyung nestled into Jungkook’s arms, and they began to talk about what their future with a baby would look like.

“What do you think we should name him/her?”

Taehyung asked, rubbing his growing belly.

Jungkook thought for a moment before suggesting, “How about Min-joon? It’s a strong name that means ‘handsome and talented.'''”

“For girl?”

Taehyung asks, resting his head onto Jungkook’s shoulder.

“Mi-sun, means beautiful and good.”

Taehyung smiled at the suggestion.

“I like it. Do you think we should find out if it’s a boy or a girl?”

Jungkook shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter to me. As long as our baby is healthy, I’m happy.”

Taehyung leaned back into Jungkook’s embrace.

“I can’t wait to see you as a father, Kook. I know you’re going to be amazing.”

Jungkook grinned and pressed a kiss to Taehyung’s temple, then to his pouty lips.

“And I can’t wait to see you as a mother. You’re going to be so loving and nurturing.”

For the rest of the night, Jungkook and Taehyung sat together on the couch, planning and dreaming about their future with their little one.

They talked about everything from nursery décor to schooling

"I love you and our unborn baby."

Jungkook mutters into the neck of Taehyung,  kissing it softly.

"Love you too."

Taehyung smiles as he enjoys his husband’s kisses.

The end

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When his cold husband cared for him after he had a miscarriage.Where stories live. Discover now