Ch.3 The Studio

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"Hello" Talking
'Hello' Thinking
*Hello* call
/Hello text

I should stop rushing to write this at 2 am

Pov (Y/n)

There is nothing to do today

I was going to originally use today to work on preparations for next week. That plan went out the window when I checked, and everything was done

So I cleaned a bit

Even that didn't take much time so I was back to being bored

I texted Seraphine to see what she was doing but she was busy

I could go to the studio and practice

But I told myself that I wouldn't

On the other hand

Loading time skip . . .

Tip - Lying is bad but also efficient

Studio . . .

I should just buy a big house and install a practice room

Why you may ask

Because when I got to the studio I remembered that this was a shared studio. Mostly because there was someone in the booth

Now I could leave and go home and think of something else to do today or I could sit and wait

So I pull out a chair and sit

???: "Excuse me if you have no business here you should leave"

Well, that was a bit aggressive

(Y/n): "I'm sorry mam I'm waiting for the booth to be unoccupied"

???: "Then it would be better to wait somewhere else we are going to take a long time"

(Y/n): "Don't worry I have time to spare "

Honestly, I would have left but this is the only room with a recording booth that's big enough to fit me and 12 instruments

And I'd rather not cram myself into one of the smaller ones

???: "Fine then I'll get security to remove you from here"

(Y/n): "Mam I see no reason for this. I'm simply trying to wait to use the recording booth"

Then I hear the door to the booth open

???2: "Samantha is something wrong"

It was the same vastaya woman from Friday

And now that I see her face there is no doubt

That's Ahri one of the four members of K/DA

Samantha: "It's nothing Ahri it's just that we have an unwelcomed guest"

She looked over at me

Samantha: "He was just about to leave"

(Y/n): "I'm not, I'll be waiting here till you are done using the booth"

By this point, I know that I should just leave or go to a different room and practice with one instrument

But if I do that it would look like I'm backing out because of her

Ahri: "Are you actually here to use the room"

Her eyes started glowing. It appears she was trying to use magic to make me tell the truth

(Y/n): "Yes, what other reason would I need to be here"

Ahri: "For all I know you could be a crazy stalker"

(Y/n): "Yeah I'm actually a crazy fan that stalked you all the way here to kidnap you and trap you in my basement"

They both seem to put their guard up at my joke

I guess Seraphine is right when she says I can't tell jokes

(Y/n): "I jest"

I say raising my hands in mock surrender

(Y/n): "I just decided to come practice and this is the only studio big enough to fit all my instruments"

This made Ahri put down her guard but the other woman kept hers up as if waiting for me to do something

Seeing as Ahri is thinking I take the moment to break the ice a bit

(Y/n): " I take it you aren't from around these parts"

Ahri: "What gave it away"

She looked at me while rolling her eyes

(Y/n): "I think I would remember a face like yours if you came often"

Ahri: "Yeah that and not the fact I'm a member of kda"

(Y/n): "Oh really, I would never guess"

Good. Using sarcasm to lighten the atmosphere is a good play

(Y/n): "Are you here to practice for the concert next week?"

Ahri: "Yes I was just rehearsing to make sure I was up to standard for the show"

Ahri: "But something just doesn't seem right about my voice"

Ahri: "It was like last week I was doing great and everything sounded perfect and now something seems off"

(Y/n): "Yeah it can feel like that sometimes"

She looks at me just sitting in the chair

(Y/n): "Sometimes you practice till you think it's perfect but when it gets closer to the day of the performance you feel like something is wrong"

Ahri: "Yeah"

(Y/n): "I think it's just a musician thing"

Ahri: "Maybe"

(Y/n): "At least we aren't painters. I heard they hate their work the entire time there making it"

She laughs a bit at that. Maybe I can make a good joke every once in a while

Now that she seemed a bit more relaxed with me we continued to talk more

This time seeing as she seemed more open to speaking I went back to my normal way of acting

By letting her talk and just listening and answering

This went on for two hours till the other woman in the room stepped in to speak after getting a call

Samantha: "Ahri I got a call from the others asking when you were going back for lunch"

Ahri: "Oh how long has it been"

(Y/n): "around 2 hours"

Ahri: "Then we need to get going. I was supposed to be here just three hours and that was an hour ago"

(Y/n): "I'm sorry to have taken up your time"

Ahri: "No it was nice to talk to you. You're a great listener"

(Y/n): "So I've been told

Samantha: "Ok I have everything are you ready to go"

Ahir: "Yeah"

She turned back to face me as she was leaving

Ahri: "If I wanted to talk to you again could I find you here"

(Y/n): "Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 pm"

Ahri: "Then I might stop by to interrupt your practice next time"

(Y/n): "I'll be waiting"

With that, we part ways

I guess I should Start practicing. So I pick up all the instruments and enter the recording booth

I should go out randomly more

All criticism is welcomed.

Thanks for reading!

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