CH.4 The Regular Day

444 16 0

“Hello” Talking
‘Hello’ Thinking
*Hello* call
/Hello text

Reality was trying to stop me from publishing this chapter. Hope for the best

Pov (Y/n)

I woke up today at 6 like clockwork

I took a shower and got dressed

As long as everything goes according to schedule today should be a regular day

I went downstairs to cook some breakfast

I decided to go with some blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, and sunny-side-up eggs

This would take some time if I had to do it all separately

Luckily, I can just do it all a the same time

While splitting my focus to continue cooking I make sure everything is in my bag

Laptop, notebook, pen, pencil, planner, and music binder

Everything that I need is in the bag

For my instrument, I can use one of the ones they have at the location

So, I moved my focus back to the kitchen and continued cooking

I finish up quickly and eat

Deciding to take the Shield today 

I head out

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Tip - You don't need a reason to help someone. But if you do, it does increase your good karma by 1

??? . . .

For the first stop of the day, I will be sitting on top of an abandoned building

The reason I'm here is just that I have time to spare

It’s barely 7:15 and I don't have to be anywhere till around 8 when I start my practice

I would usually use this time to walk around and admire different parts of the city

And this is a similar thing to that. Just seeing the city but from a different angle

It's nice to sit alone and watch the city probably would look better at night 

and if I was alone

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Tip - Do to sixth sense you can't be surprised or ambushed while conscious

Studio . . .

After spending half an hour on the building, I went down like a regular person

The only reason I didn't just jump and stop myself before hitting the ground was because of my mysterious follower

Who, I might add, followed me all the way to the studio

But I must say they were good at the whole being sneaky thing

Not once did I see them the whole way

But ignoring that I start my daily practice

That for today is the violin, viola, and cello. One hour each

The last hour is used for practicing the string orchestra piece

Which I had already decided what I would play for kda’s concert

Tchaikovsky: Serenade for Strings

Or at least that's what I had planned for now who knows, it might change

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