Chapter 7

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Jungkook's ego could swore that his lips widened to a small smile, his eyes glistening in sparkles.

Her father sighed, "Only two hours"

Jungkook's smile immediately dropped, his tongue rolled over the roof of his mouth as he blankly stared at the man, his eyes piercing through the poor man's soul as he immediately avoided the gaze of the King.

"A-Ayezah get ready"

Ayezah slowly nodded, her eyes down as she was about to walk away to her room to get ready, "No need" he meant it as his eyes just stayed on hers.

She nervously looked away before leaving to her room.

Immediately entering the room, she closed the door, leaning her back against the door, she removed the dupatta, her face was stained with tears, she shut her eyes, she didn't want to see this man again after that night, there was no reason to anyway, then why was he-? And dinner?

She sighed, "Only two hours Ayezah, two hours, completely ignore him and just leave" she mumbled quietly to herself before walking to the washroom to wash her face.

Jungkook sat down on the couch, his eyes dangerously piercing the old man, who uncomfortably left the room as he immediately rolled his eyes, if it weren't for her, then he would have k!lled him the second he stopped him...- for her?

He gritted his teeth, shaking his head lightly, he focused on his wristwatch.

Not so long later and she stood in front of him with her eyes down, his eyes on her as a low whisper left his lips seeing her beautiful eyes, "F!$k"

He immediately stood up, "Let's go?"

She glanced up at him and he instantly saw the plea in her orbs as he completely ignored it before forwarding his hand to hold her hand, she pulled her hand back, looking away as she slowly whispered, "I-I'll come"

Jungkook smirked, looking at her father, who had just entered the living room and was glancing at Ayezah with worry clearly on his orbs.

"T-Take care"

He slowly mumbled as he embraced her making Jungkook roll his eyes, it looked as if she was leaving for another country.

For them, it was more than that, this man is the most dangerous man alive, who wouldn't get scared?

Jungkook walked away while Ayezah slowly followed behind, still hesitating on agreeing to this as she focused on the bright side of only two hours and done.

Walking to his car, she looked up and her eyes widened seeing at least 14 Mercedes Benz cars and a Rolls-Royce in front of her house as she looked at his back in shock. 

He opened the car door before walking to the other side as Ayezah glanced at him and then back at the door he opened for her?

She gulped before sitting inside, she scooted closer to the door the second he sat on the other side and he seems to notice it as he removed his shades covering his beautiful eyes, looking at her and then back at his phone, messaging the driver, "Open the door"

He switched off his phone and the next second a gasp was heard as he immediately held her wrist before pulling her close to him, still maintaining a good distance, she looked up at him in complete shock, her heart skipped a beat, her breath uneven as she kept her eyes on him, who likes this attention from her, his eyes softening a bit as the eye contact stayed on.

She looked down before hastily removing her wrist from his hold, moving away from him-

"Stay close if you don't want to fall"

His husky voice made her gulp as she just moved a little.

Jungkook smirked, the door closed and the engine started as they left for the destination, it was 7 P.M, the streets looking beautiful with the streetlights. But Jungkook's eyes just wanted to look at his most favorite view, his eyes wanting to see her whole face once again as he suddenly remembered one of his dreams, the very first dream he had of her.

Her smiling at him, wearing that same black dress, walking towards him and pulling him to her with her arms around his neck-

The car stopped as he smirked seeing her eyes flutter a little.

She glanced at Jungkook.

Getting out of the car, they both walked to the high-class restaurant, she frowned seeing the whole restaurant empty.

Jungkook noticed her stare, "I booked it for us"

Her eyes widened as she immediately looked at him, she saw his smirk as she gulped before looking away.

Sitting on the chair, she nervously fidgeted with her fingers, avoiding to meet his gaze while his were completely on hers.

"What do you want to eat?"

Ayezah sighed, "N-Nothing"

Jungkook slightly frowned, his face turning blank, "What?"

She easily noticed his sudden change in tone as she nervously gulped, "I d-on't want a-anything"

Jungkook blankly nodded, getting up from the chair, his eyes on her as she nervously too stood up.

Jungkook gestured all the people on the restaurant waiting to serve them to leave as her eyes pooled up with tears.

Jungkook looked away seeing her tears, "Two hours-"

"I-I came"

He lifted his eyebrow, his ego reaching its peak hearing her interrupt him, "For what?"

Ayezah gulped, looking down, "I told you that you'd be free after that"

His eyes darkened, "You're staying with me fro-"

"I'll e-eat"

"And I don't bloody f!$king care"

She flinched hearing his dark tone, her eyes getting filled in fear as she looked at him in complete shock, he smirked noticing her reaction as he continued, "At my Empire, I'll feed you"

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now