Chapter 29

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Ayezah smiled widely, tears running down her cheeks as she embraced him. He held her tightly, his devil felt his knees getting weak. Unknowingly his devil opened the door for this angel, his wife. 

Snuggling into her neck, he smiled and whispered through his husky deep voice, "I love you" she nodded while still in his arms. The moon embracing the beautiful moment and recording it in one of the best memories of the night. The devil had taken it's first step towards the angel. More chances of entering heaven... but still the fire of hell flamed brightly.

Jungkook couldn't help but repeat the words beautifully once again in her ear, "I love you" she chuckled, her chin on his shoulder, she closed her eyes, the tears resting at the edge of her eyelashes spilling down to his shirt, her heart expressed her gratitude, "Thank you for writing my destiny with his" she turned her head, eyes still shut as she kissed his ear softly, her heart continued to wish upon her creator, "I want us both to stay together through thick and thin, forever, even in heaven" she opened her eyes, looking at him, her heart blooming a beautiful garden imagining him and her both happily in heaven. 

Overwhelming emotions clouding her heart as she pulled apart and leaned forward, pressing her lips on his, she kissed him beautifully, her heart no where close to hesitating to halt her overpowering love for him. He pulled her closer to him by her nape. Something ignited inside him when her eyes confessed the obvious truth to him, something stirred inside him when she held him tightly, suddenly everything felt so meaningful.

Breaking the kiss, she smiled at him while breathing heavily, "I-I love y-you" Jungkook again felt that something, this time more deeply when she confessed through her own mouth and he couldn't help but admit it.

"You were right, I cannot imagine staying away from you now"

Jungkook remembered when he said that to her, looking right at her orbs he noticed the glint of sadness drowning within the river of happiness, she gulped, "W-Won't y-you say i-it back?" He understood what she meant and he doesn't know if it's the truth or not, but if this makes her orbs completely flow in the river of happiness- then f!$k the whole world!

"I love you too"

And there! He saw that river! Placing his forehead on hers, he admired the miraculous piece of beauty, her orbs glowing even under the dark, switching on the lights for his whole world. His heartbeats made a part of him believe that what he had confessed was the truth, but his devil needed some time.

"Jeon Sara

Ayezah frowned, pulling apart she stared at him in disbelief, "Who?"

Jungkook chuckled at her possessiveness, pecking her nose, he whispered, "Our daughter

Ayezah's eyes widened, the shock absorbing into her and she finally smiled wholeheartedly making his heart do a backflip. 

"Is it good?"

She nodded her head, "It means princess" he smiled at her words and said, "It also means baby" leaning his forehead on hers, he whispered, "Our baby princess"

Ayezah smiled widely and nodded, "What about a son?" He shook his head, "I'll work extra hard for a daughter" she gasped and immediately pushed him away. His eyes caught her flustered cherry cheeks and laughed.

Lying down on the bed, she pulled the duvet over her trying to hide her red cheeks, but her husband had already seen it. 

Lying down beside her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Our daughter would just be like you. Beautiful. Lovely. Sweet. And above all" he paused before kissing her hair, "would be an angel"

She smiled softly and completed his words, "Would fall in love beautifully just like her mom"

Jungkook smiled widely, leaning forward to her ear, he whispered, "And dad"

Ayezah shyly smiled before closing her eyes and trying to drift her whole mind to dreamland. Jungkook smiled before closing his eyes as well, holding his wife tightly, he too drifted to dreamland.


Ayezah stepped out of the room, her heart feeling a bit empty after realizing that he had left for office. Sighing, she stared outside the window, the beautiful view of nature making her smile. Remembering the moments from last night, her smile only widened as she remembered his confession. 

Reaching the dining room, her eyes widened, her whole body halting upon witnessing the scene in front of her. She gasped after the realization hit her and she immediately grabbed the ends of her dupatta that was covering her hair and covered half of her face. 

Jungkook raised his eyes, both their eyes met and his gaze softened, a small smirk flying over his lips after he made a kissing face to her and her eyes widened in disbelief. She turned around and was about to leave-

"Jeon Ayezah"

Her steps froze like ice, her heart beating like crazy, looking back at him from over her shoulder she gulped seeing the attention of the six men now diverted to her. She looked back at Jungkook, who gestured her to come closer to him. She took slow steps towards his chair. Standing beside him, she looked down at him and the next second he pulled her down to sit on his lap. She gasped out loud grabbing his shoulders for support, glancing at the other men, she tried to stand up, but her stubborn husband didn't leave her. 


She frowned hearing her name and looked up at the men, her eyes widening a little seeing a familiar face. 

"Mr. Kim?

Jin smirked while staring at Jungkook, "So she is why you visited my university then, huh?"

Jungkook shrugged with a small smirk as he gazed at Ayezah, who was confused with everything. 

"Y-You know him?" She whispered softly to Jungkook, who chuckled a little and nodded his head, "They all are like my brothers, including that old man"

Jin glared at him, "Yah! Show some respect at least in front of my student!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued to stare at his dear wife, who was trying to progress everything.

"She's your student?"

Another man asked Jin and he nodded, "Yeah, she's one of the toppers of our university"

"Before I was a bit worried when I found out that he got married, but seeing her... I think she's fine"

Another man spoke, his cold voice sounding warm to Ayezah as she glanced at him for a second.

"I know her a bit and considering her behavior, I'm not surprised at how Jungkook has changed recently"

Ayezah bit her lower lip, these words and on top of that, this man- her husband keeping his stare on her and was making her sit on his lap in front of six men, including her principal.

Slowly tapping his shoulder, she whispered, "Leave me Jungkook"

He nodded a bit, leaning forward he whispered back, "I'll be leaving after few minutes, let me stay with you until then"

She was about to reply when-

"Jungkook we have to leave. The meeting will be starting soon" another man looked at her, "We'll see you soon sister" he smiled brightly before standing up. They all smiled at her and stood up before leaving the dining room.

She looked back at Jungkook. He pulled her dupatta down, her hair and face exposed to him and he smiled, tilting his head to the side he still couldn't believe that this miraculous human being is his to call forever. 

Leaning forward, he pecked her lips making her smile shyly, "I'll come back soon, hm?"

She nodded and kissed his cheeks softly, "I love you" he smiled hearing her and pulled her more closer to him by her waist, "I love you too"

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