chapter 30

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A whole month passes.
30 days.
Things got quieter.
Haru no longer bothered you.
You didn't think about your past.
Your friend group was as happy as ever.
But most importantly, your relationship with kusuo was perfect.
Everything was perfect.


"I can't belive it's valentines day already!"
You and kusuo were walking to school and it was valentines day.
"Yeah...Where's my chocolate?"
You chuckled at kusuos request
"I'll give it to you later. First, I'll give some to our friends"

At school, you immediately went to your friends and gave them the chocolate. You also received some which you gladly excepted.

The bell rung, signaling that the first period started.

-during lunch-

You looked at kusuo before you pointed at your cheek
'I'm not going to kiss you. We're in school'
'No kiss, no chocolate'
He looked annoyed and turned away. You also turned away, to continue eating your lunch. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and got a quick peck from kusuo on your lips

You swallowed the rest of the food in your mouth before saying, "a kiss on the cheek was enough"

He just looked at you and expanded a hand for you to give him the chocolate. You smiled and pulled out a small bag which had some heart shaped chocolate in it and put on his palm.

-after school-

You and kusuo were walking home with some of your friend. Before kaidou even took a turn to his house, a person appeared in front of you.

That person looked quite familiar but you couldn't remember who he was.

"Can we help you, sir?" Teruhashi asked

"I need to talk to Y/N" the man said, coming closer to you

Kusuo stepped infront of you in a protective way and asked, "who are you and how do you know Y/N?"

"Seriously, Y/N? You can't remember me?" The man asked, sounding disappointed

"How could you possibly forget your own father?"

Only then, you remembered him. You stood there in complete shock. Everyone looked confused at the man before they turned to you.

"Y/N?" Kaidou asked

You had a thousand things to say but not a single word left your lips. You were in utter shock and the memories of your past came rushing into your mind. You wondered how he possibly could be standing infront you right now when he's supposed to be in a mental hospital. You had so many questions but you couldn't move one bit.

You saw how kusuo got angry and how he started yelling something to the Man but you couldn't hear what he was saying. You mind blocket out all the voices.

Your friends surrounded you and asked if everything's fine but you didn't focus on your surroundings.

Everything from that day replayed in your head and tears started froming. You saw how kusuo was punching that man because he kept trying to go towards you.

The last thing you saw, was some blood from your fathers nose and him falling onto the ground and kusuo continuing to punch his face repeatedly. Then, you passed out and everything went black.

You woke up in kusuos bed, kusuke, kusuo, kurumi, kuniharu, kaidou, nendo,mikoto, Teruhashi and aren surrounding you.

You were trying to remember everything but you were having a hard time
"What happend?" You asked

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