Blood On The Crops

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Eyes traversed the land around her party, scouting out each detail, looking for any sign of movement. All was still except for those around the homestead, finishing their chores and preparing to turn in for supper. Rissa watched from her hiding place, crouched in a thick undergrowth of ferns. She had given her men their orders, no harm was to come to women or children but, all men who fought back were to be brought down fast and hard. She wanted to make a statement, this was her first action as the new leader of the Ulfheðnar and she wanted them to know she was as calculates and ruthless as her father had been. Although, her father would slaughter any and everyone, not just the men. She was hoping that a bit of mercy would go a long way. News traveled fast and she knew they would hear about her father's death soon. She had rents and debts to collect.

Rissa watched calmly as her men moved into their position within the treeline, a few crouching and sneaking into the fields surrounding the house. As she waited, she found herself wondering what kind of farmer's wife could wield a sword with such skill. From the story that was told, this woman could rival even Rissa. She found herself growing excited at the thought of being matched finally. Perhaps this woman was actually skilled and longed for a life free from chores and rules set forth by a husband. Perhaps she would join Rissa and roam the world with her. Rissa shook her head, chasing those thoughts away. Now was no time to daydream.

Getting the signal that her men were in place and ready, Rissa left the cover of the trees, mounted her horse, and lead it trotting down the road and up to the front gate. She watched as servants' eyes widened with shock and fear. Several women yanked some children behind their backs, one older child ran towards the house to retrieve the master. Rissa's eyes looked over the faces staring at her, trying to pick out anyone that could be a threat. Most of them were dirty-faced and shrinking away from her. A few men stood upright, their tools grasped firmly, their jaws set and ready for action. She admired these men. They undoubtedly knew who she was but they were choosing to protect their families and their master. A few of them could be captured and kept if need be. They looked healthy and strong enough but that would all depend on how this meeting went.

There was a faint clanking of metal on metal as the master of the house stepped out with four armed guards. Three of the four carried swords on their belts and the last carried an axe in his hand. His hair was fairly neat, cut close to his head only just long enough to show its light color. He stood tall, his shoulders wide enough to fit Rissa between them three times at least. He would tower over her, almost making her seem short next to him, if she was not on her horse. His eyes were dark and clouded, making the scars on his face seem even more menacing than they were. This man she would certainly try to bring back with her. He would be a force to be reckoned with for sure.

The men took their places, evenly spaced beside and behind the farmer, all staring at her intently. She found herself amused. "Rissa the Bloodless." The master spoke.

Rissa ducked her head, giving a slight bow. "At your service." She mumbled, her eyes lingering on the twitching had of the axe wielder.

"What business have you here? I have paid my debts this month." The man spoke, a level of challenge in his voice that forced her muscles to tense.

"As I am well aware. Though you may be unaware that you hide a murder in your midst. A murderer that I have come to collect to settle her debts." Rissa spoke as kindly as she could. Axe man's face gave a slight twitch before falling back to its stoney relaxed composure.

"We harbor no murderer here. Who is it you seek?" The master fidgeted slightly, his eyes looking past her as she heard the hooves of her men's horses approaching.

"A girl. Short in stature. Raven hair that falls about her neck and back I'm waves. Her eyes are dark as her hair, I am told. A warrior." Rissa adjusted her position in her saddle slightly, letting her right hand fall just behind her horse's neck where she kept a small knife.

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