Return to Nuxvar

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The boat crashed into the waves without fear as it tore through the sea toward home. The relief that Rissa was feeling was far too great to explain to anyone. Though they had all been away from home for quite a stretch, Rissa had not returned in a few years. Her father had her sent all over to practice her swordplay and battle strategy with the finest warriors at his disposal. She longed to go home. Though, at this point, she was not quite sure what home would be like.

Her father was gone. That meant she was to take his place as the leader, the men already showed her loyalty. However, she would have to move into his home. Take over all of his duties even though she did not fully agree with the way he ran things. She wondered if she could still make the man proud even if she decided to incorporate mercy into her life a fair amount more than he had. Mistakes happened and death was not always the punishment that was needed. Sometimes just a change in rank was enough to get under the men's skin. Especially with her being female. A lot of them did not like taking orders from women but, the only way she would be overthrown was by a challenge, fighting to the death for the chance to rule.

Rissa let a sigh fall from her lips. She suspected she would have a few fights to win when she returned home. Some of the men wouldn't see a woman in charge and would rather die than attempt to accept it. Luckily, they had brought along a few new, strong men from the city. A few of the guards seemed to take a liking to her offer of gold and supplies to make up for the loss of their fellow soldiers. They had asked to join her and her men and were now all leaning over the side of the ship, vomiting and attempting to find their sea legs. It was quite humorous to her.

Rissa wiped a bit of water off of her forehead and stared out at the vast sea in front of her. The waves rose and fell in a sort of seemingly random rhythm, moving the world around them with ease. As she stared, she smiled in delight as a fish broke through the surface, showed its multicolored body to them, and fell safely back into its home. She longed for a freedom of that sort. To just travel the world at your whim, stop and admire the beauty just because you feel like it. The envy tore through her like lightning in a storm.

As she recovered from the journey she was taking in her head, Rissa realized she was looking at the beginning of their arrival. A small bit of land could just barely be seen in front of them. A few miles past that, they would find the docks of Nuxvar. They would be home soon. The smile that crept over her lips faded as she turned to face her crew.

"Hoist the banners!" With the sound of a thousand beating wings, the black banners with their clan symbol lifted into the air, catching the wind and bringing them to a slightly faster pace. Her heart gave a squeeze as the black fabric fluttered in the breeze, marking the death of her father. They used the black sails to warn those on shore to prepare for sadness and heartbreak but, to fly the ones with the symbol meant someone of great importance had been lost. Certainly, they had not gotten news of her father's death yet. Rissa knew it would come as a shock, most of those on land believing that she and her father were unstoppable.

Rissa let the dark cloud settle around her shoulders finally. Though she had felt some excitement about it at first, she now realized exactly what the death of her father and her return home meant. They would be forced to hold a burial service without her father's body. They would have to do the ritual to swear her in as leader. There would be challenges for her position. They would need to hold burials for those they lost as they were fighting. Winter would be heading their way soon so, hunting parties would need to be organized and sent out. Perhaps she would join in on the hunting this year. Rissa would have to oversee the fixing of any homes that needed it. They would need to fatten up the pigs for feasts as well. The weight of responsibility began to press down on her, causing her back to ripple with anxiety.

Rissa stood and approached the front of the boat, looking down at Frandril as she passed him. His brow was damp with sweat and his face flushed with effort as he pulled his oar towards him. She had to admire him. Since the incident, he has stepped up and come into his own, his cowardice melting away from him with each day. She patted his shoulder and motioned for him to follow her. He reluctantly released his oar and followed her closely.

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