27 | you don't mean that, you're drunk

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you don't mean that, you're drunk


look at how my tears ricochet



I DONT know why, but the second i knew emma was with rylan i was out the door.

even though he told me they were just friends i dont want him near her for another second.

i pull up to the house where the party is and i see emma sitting on the curb next to rylan, her head on his shoulder.

rylan stands up as soon as he sees my car. i get out and walk towards the pair.

"im sorry for making you come out here man. shes just a mess right now, she doesn't need to be here." he speaks.

i just nod and look at em. "alright, come on emmy its time to go." i reach my hand out to the girl.

"matt? what are you doing here?" she looks up at me with tear stained cheeks and her words slurring together.

"you texted me, remember?"

"oh, yeah" and with that she grabs my hand and stands up. or atleast tries too, with what strength she has.

rylan shes her struggling and steps forward. "you need help?"

"dont worry man, i got her." my voice stern.

"oh, okay" rylan holds his hands up in surrender.

i then swiftly picked emma up like no problem. she's basically sound asleep in my arms as i carry her back to my car. sitting her in the front seat, buckling her seatbelt and closing the door.

by noy there are 15 minutes in the car ride left and i let emmy go on aux so of course all thats been playing taylor swift. i dont mind it though, its been years of having to put up with this.

suddenly i hear faint cries coming from beside me.
i look to my right and there's emma, her knees held close to her chest, tears falling from her eyes.

"emmy? what's wrong?" i rub her back with my hand.

"everthing. everything this so wrong." she just lays there crying.

and then the song changes. and she she starts to cry harder.

"and this fucking song oh my god." she covers her face with her hands.

i look at screen and im confused because its betty?

"but i thought this was your favorite song?" i ask curiously

"yea but it just reminds me of you." she continues to cry.

my hand still on her back. "what? how?"

"you're just so confusing! one second we're just friends, the next you're acting like we are a couple, then you randomly get a bitchy girlfriend that nobody likes and dont talk to me." she looks up from her hands and at me instead. "i just thought it was always going to be us." she shrugs. tears still falling down her face.

"its still us? we are still best friends. nothing has changed."

"oh for fucks sake matt, i have feelings for you!" she immediately slaps her hand over her mouth and breaking eye contact with me.


nobody says anything for a minute before i speak up. "you dont mean that, you're drunk."

"fuck you matt. i may be drunk but i know what the fuck i said." she flipps me off while continuing to look out the window.

the rest of the time in the car was spent in silence. the only noise was the music playing, aside from emma's occasional snoring.

i decide to take em back to my house because she's already asleep and i dont want to wake her up.

i carry her inside and lay her down on my bed.

i then go to my closet and grab a hoodie not only for myself but another one with a pair of sweatpants for em.

i set the clothes down for her at the foot of the bed so she can change when she wakes up.

i then carry mine with me to the bathroom to go shower.

the whole time im in the shower emma words are the only things running through my mind.

i have feelings for you.

there has never been a moment in my life where i ever thought i'd here those words. something about that sentence coming out of her mouth just seemed so right. but yet so wrong. she was drunk. i'll only believe it if i she says it when shes sober.

i walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to get something to drink and nick is sitting on the island, scrolling through his phone.

"why did you leave so late and come back an hour later?" he instantly asks after seeing me.

"well hello to you too." i open the fridge and grab a root beer.

"sorry its just so unlike you to do this" he apologizes.

"lets go in the living room and i'll explain what where i went." i walk out of the room and fall onto the couch.



hi! it been a while 😊

i wnent to a party and had the WORST hangover ever. but i feel better now !!!


matt lowk has a point but like wtf

love uuuu

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