30 | back to normal!

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back to normal!


I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?



MATT TEXTED me this morning after ghosting me for 3 days. im not surprised. he probably felt awkward talking to me after he rejected me.

matt asked to come over but i suggested going to the beach since we haven't been to our spot in awhile. so here i am, getting ready to go to the beach with the guy i like who just so happens to be my best friend!

just as im walking downstairs the doorbell rings so i pick up my pace.

i open the door to matt standing there awkwardly, looking at his feet.

"hey" i greet matt with a smile. "you know nothings changed matt, you don't have to knock or anything." hes acting as if hes never been here, oh my god.

"oh, okay. i just didn't know if.. you know.." he looks at me.

god this is like going to a family reunion to see people you haven't seen in a decade.

"okay.." im looking through my bag and i noticed i left my keys on my desk. "fuck, i left my keys upstairs ill be right back."

i quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my keys, checking if i looked okay once again on my way out my bedroom.

i get back down stairs and matt hasn't moved an inch. the only thing that changed is that he's now on his phone texting someone, probably katelyn.

he seems nervous. well i am too, but hes like over the top nervous. which is weird because honestly i should be the one stressing about this. what does matt have to lose?

"you ready?" he asks quietly.

"mhm! are you driving?" i ask. he knows i hate driving people places.

"actually i was hoping we could walk..? the beach isnt that far, its like 5 minutes." my prayers have been answered.

i agree to walk instead of driving. the walk was short, as promised. its was pretty much silent the whole way to the beach, aside from a few short conversations.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘. - 𝘮. 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰Where stories live. Discover now