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Chapter 1:

Ice Spice POV

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Ice Spice POV

"Hey Nicki, Can you put my client under the dryer while I schedule the walk-ins for a later time?" Spice asked her older sister. "Sure thing babe" Nicki replied after straightening up her station preparing for the next client.

Spice and her older sister Nicki owned the hottest salon in town. At the young age of 23 and 25, the two girls managed to start building a life for themselves not wanting for anything.

The two sisters were known for being "stuck up" or "boujiee" as the people would joke and call them but that's just cause they ain't take shit from no one! Their parents always taught them never to let anyone play with you because if you let it slide once, it's always bound to happen again.

The girls stood on that since they were young girls at the tender age of six.

"WASSSSSUPPPP BITCHESSSSS" everyone heard coming from the doorway which was no other than Solana and Sweets. They were spice best friends. The girls were thick as thieves since they were four years old. It's rare that you would see one without the other!

"Do you always have to introduce yourself before coming into a room?" Nicki snapped jokingly at her friends.

"Oh bitch please, don't act like you ain't happy to see us!" Sweets said while walking over to sit in Spice's station which was unoccupied at the moment.

"Happy for a hoe to walk thru my salon door and ain't bring no food anddddd you know how much I love food...what blue face be saying?" Nicki happily replied back to the girl as everyone in the salon shouted "YEAH AIGHT" dying with laughter.

"Will ya'll two stop arguing with each other for a few seconds and get along?" Spice said coming around the corner with her client signaling for Sweets to move to the next seat so she can get started on her last client of the day.

"That be Nicki always trying to start with me" Sweets whined as Nicki huffed and laughed.

"I'm talking about both of ya'll, so don't try to just blame her" Spice laughed at her friend throwing a temper tantrum at her big age. Shortly after, she notice that Solana hadn't uttered a word besides coming through the door.

"Solana, what you all quiet for? Cat got ya tongue?" Spice said to her friend.

With all the attention now on Solana, she then replied "Girl I'm trying to see what Wiz taking about before I go and pick up Saint from his daddy house. He took him to some camp with that his sister was having so I'm like just let him spend the night but I know he just trying to see me for real because I ain't talking to him right now."

Wiz is Solana baby daddy, boyfriend, soul friend, and whole world when she's not mad at him lol. They play hard to get, shit well we all do because that just how the game goes but deep down Solana is in love with that man and would kill for him.

"GIRLLLL you know you wanna go see that man, I don't know why you be playing around with him like you don't love him." Spice said getting the other ladies in the salon to agree with her!

"Fuck him, he be getting on nervesssss" said complained back.

"That ain't nothing new" sweets added laughing and earning laughter.

"Sweets go to hell, get you a man then we can talk" Solana snapped back.

"Hoe, if I wanted one I can have one! Best believe the face card never declines." Sweets replied gassing herself up.

"AND THAT ON WHATTTTT" Nicki shouted!

"PERIODDDDD FRIEND" Spice joined in with the ladies!

"Ya'll are a mess but are ya'll going to the block party next week? Ya'll know everybody and they momma gone be there" Spice client Kesha asked the ladies!

"Oh you already know we in that muthafucka" Solana said dapping up Nicki. If those two could live outside they would because all they do is party.

"Well ya'll can count me out because I need to rest, I have been working like crazy, and plus I gotta finish interviewing for a receptionist for the salon" Spice said to the ladies that looked at her like she had three heads.

"Girllllll BYE" everyone disagreed with her in the shop.

"Bitch you can literally do that shit all week. Plus it's on the weekend so you don't have anything to worry about because I'm going to help you get that done so we can have a good ass time." Nicki said to her little sister.

"Right and what's the point of looking good if you can't show it off!!!!! Stop acting like God made you an ugly bitch lol" sweetz said causing everyone to laugh!

"My SHEIN cart just came through so you know I'm finna ACT A FOOL" Solana said as she stood up twerking show the ladies a preview of what's to come this upcoming weekend!

"Ya'll I ju-" Spice got cut off by Nicki.

"Un Uh, I don't want to hear it girl, you are going and that's final! You have been working too hard and now it's time for you to take a break and just chillll" Spice already knew the girls weren't going to let up on her no time soon so she decided that it was best for her to go. Plus she had been looking forward to it anyway because she had been working non-stop to make sure the salon was doing good.

"ALRIGHT YA'LL DAMN IMMA GO" She shouted back laughing to the girls, knowing that her girls were gonna look out for her no matter what so that she could go out with them. That's just how they were and Real friends are always hard to get.


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