Sins In The City

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After hearing the bad news about her father's curse from Destiny and Dimitri, Elizabeth ran to the top deck of the ship. The early sunrise nearly blinded the sleep-deprived princess. When she heard her name being called, she quickly turned causing her to fall backwards. Elizabeth attempts to grab the railing as she flips overboard, barely hanging on with her sweating hands. She screamed for help, but her hands slipped just before Theodore and Sam reached the railing. Elizabeth plummeted into the water, and the impact stung her back.

Since she never learned how to swim, she became light-headed from a lack of oxygen. Leaving her unable to fight the current that drags her deeper into the ocean. Elizabeth closed her eyes, ready for the bittersweet kiss of death, until she felt a rush of water swarm around her. Then a strong hand gripped hers, pulling her to the surface. She is too weak to open her eyes, but she knew by the scar on his arm that it was Theodore who pulled her out.

Though the person who placed their lips on hers felt much different from his. After a few breaths, Elizabeth coughed up water before opening her eyes. Standing above her is a drenched Theodore, and kneeling next to her is Sam. Destiny and Dimitri appeared again, reminding Elizabeth of what happened before she fell into the ocean.

"My father," Elizabeth said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry we're almost home," Theodore said.

"I'm sure he'll be excited to see you, Liz," Sam said.

"No you two don't understand," Elizabeth said as she tried to stand up. "He's in danger."

Once they helped Elizabeth stand up, Sam pointed at the castle in the distance.

"We'll be there in no time," Sam assured her.

"Not fast enough," Elizabeth said as she stormed off.

After closing the door behind her, she takes off many layers of wet clothing. When she is completely undressed, she heard the door suddenly open and quickly shut behind her, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. Before turning around, Elizabeth quickly grabbed the sheet lying on Sam's bed to cover herself up. Only to find Sam standing behind her, with her face red from blushing. Sam brushes Elizabeth's hair out of her face, and stares into her eyes. Just before they kissed, someone knocked on the door.

"We are approaching the shore," Theodore said from the other side of the door.

"You should probably get dressed," Sam said.

Elizabeth quickly pulled a dress from the chest she brought on the ship, before donning it. Once she is dressed, they meet Theodore on the top deck, just as the ship docks. That's when Elizabeth noticed some of her father's guards lined up along the beach. They had their swords raised like they were ready to fight until Elizabeth, Theodore, and Sam climbed down the rope ladder. They recognized Princess Elizabeth and bowed to her.

Elizabeth then asked about her father. They informed her that he had fallen ill while she was away. After hearing the news, she hopped on one of the guards' horses. With Sam sitting behind her, she heads for the castle, while Theodore follows them on another horse.

The three of them raced through the empty streets of Nightingale, to reach the castle. While passing through, Elizabeth noticed there weren't any children in sight. Only adults remained outside, with pitchforks and weapons at the ready. Something was wrong.

When Elizabeth asked what had happened, they informed her that The Lady of The Lake had returned, claiming a child in broad daylight. She stayed away for 12 years. So why now?

After arriving at the castle, Elizabeth frantically searched for her father, but couldn't find him. Instead, she found one of the terrified maids hiding in a closet, stating he'd been taken by the ghost. That could only mean one thing.

The princess left the castle in a hurry before mounting Stella, her horse. She didn't care if Sam or Theodore followed. Because she was more worried about her father, who was in the clutches of a malicious spirit. Elizabeth found the ghost dragging her father to the edge of the cliff. If she hadn't made it in time he surely would've met his untimely demise.

"Lavina!" Elizabeth yelled

She turned her head towards Elizabeth, showing her a withered face. It scared the princess, but she still held her ground. Destiny and Dimitri appeared on her shoulders, stating this was it. She had a choice to make.

"Let him go!" Elizabeth demanded. "It's me you want!"

Lavina drops King Archie, before walking eerily towards the princess. Sam and Theodore arrive on the cliff and take King Archie back to Nightingale under Elizabeth's instructions. Elizabeth then rides off following them into town, where Lavina follows her just as she hoped. The people of Nightingale watched in fear, as Elizabeth tried to reason with Lavina.

When that didn't work, Elizabeth did the only thing she could think of. Telling the truth. About everything. Only she didn't know everything about that night. There were still some pieces missing.

Just as Lavina reached for Elizabeth, Theodore stepped forward. He stated that he was the boy who was with Elizabeth the night Lavina tried to take her. Ramona let him keep his memory, and he kept their secret all this time.

After they confessed all of Ramona's sins to the townspeople, Lavina's appearance suddenly changed. The truth has set her free, making her look as beautiful as Elizabeth once remembered, before disappearing into a smoke cloud. Then one by one, each person in Nightingale took a step forward to confess their sins.

Everyone except Theodore and Sam, who were having a tense conversation. Elizabeth was more focused on her father, who suddenly remembered her name, giving her hope that all of Ramona's curses and spells had been reversed. All was safe again in the city of sin.

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