Chapter 7

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I smirk sitting down in potions which I didn't know I would be taking this year because been pretending to be dumb from the start so I have some books that ordered to come but for now have this old book that I got, was going to take the other one but noticed a piece of paper peaking out, maybe broken with how old it is, has some writing on it

I sit down not caring that the whole table has Slytherins on it as I sit down next to Parkinson without a care in the world of the weird looks I am getting my way from the other houses as this year where unfortunately mixed classes unlike usual just Slytherin and Gryffindor but all houses

Pansy- "I am guessing that smirk is because the female Weasley is not going to be here for three weeks"

Harry- I nod "yeah three weeks of not her stalking me, atleast even though she bad at it, she isn't as bad as her brother at it"

Blaise- "why would both of them be stalking you?"

Harry- "to keep an eye on me for Dumbledore plus to always know my secrets and everything else about me, which they do so to tell Dumbledore"

Theo- "well he certainly looking over here right now"

Harry- I turn looking over to his as we is at the other side of the room, seeing him mouthing, wondering as to why I am over at here with the Slytherins.

I put my middle finger up at him seeing a few others across the room snicker as I mouth 'fuck off you nosy prick' before turning back to seeing the Slytherins all smirking and laughing at each other which I don't see why this is all so funny but okay

I shake my head "nosy bastard but whatever, atleast he now knows I certainly aren't his friend no more, plus the whole love potion thing can help and show as to why I ain't, so the whole Ginny thing helped after all, even though techincally I haven't been his friend for quite a while now, well straight away as soon as I found out the truth about him, his sister, his mother and father, luckily none of his brothers as they don't agree with it all, oh and obviously Dumbledore but Hernione wise, she got out of it all plus I have forgiven her, all she was getting from it was knowledge, no money or anything, I know for sure as I know how much people were getting each and she had money from her descendants all she wanted was old books"

Draco- "why would you forgive her?"

Harry- "because unfortunately I am nice like" I say as I get the ingredients for the potion as I easily and quickly got it all correct as I see other struggling

I was not quick enough as an ingredients lands in my potion which blasts right all over me before I knew it, I am on the floor with everything fading in and out




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