Chapter 9

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I get ready for the day, after a quick blood bag drink. Apparently after a few months, I only need to feed every two to three days which yeah still practically every day but alot less but apparently a Vampire can survive two weeks before going crazy which apparently can go on a blood feed rampage which is why the whole blood bag volunteer thing and everything else is within place especially vampire who don't have much money, its like £1 each in muggle money but if poor then you get alteast a free little cup of blood to just survive but have to drink dayly because of it or you can feed on a human but don't get caught, if you get caught then obviously imprisoned or death.

Or if don't feed after those two week you can die.

I head out of the living quarters heading to first lesson seeing as I don't need to eat but every now and again I will have to go or it will be weird or outed I am a vampire which will freak people out and probably get parents invovled because they will be scared and all. Oh and I can still eat human food, perfectly fine to do so, I can used the toilet and everything still, so everything normal but I now drink blood and I had died for a few seconds but don't have a beating heart

I sit down in potions with the Slytherins which I see a few smile at me

Pansy- "oh thank god you alive" she hugs him

Harry- "I am not interested, sorry Parkinson"

Pansy- she pulls away "oh sorry"

Harry- "no its okay, plus I ain't a big fan of touch"

Pansy- "majore sorry then"

Harry- "you say sorry alot"

Draco- "yeah she definitely does, it is a habit"

Pansy- "oh shush, atleast I have manners"

Blaise- "she isn't wrong there"

Draco- "I will have you know, I do have manners"

Pansy- "sure you do"

Draco- he huffed crossing his arms "rude"

Harry- I shake my head before caring on with my potion and turned as I knew the situation that happened two weeks ago aka I was asleep for that long within the hospital wing.

I grab the potion ingredient staring Weasley right down, this time he certainly will be caught as he wasn't caught for the last time he did it

Slughorn- "Mr Weasley you shouldn't be throwing ingredients across the room"

Harry- "he was the one who put me into the hospital wing last time, this is the second time he has attempted to kill me, if it was for Madam Pomfrey skills I would still be dead"

Slughorn- "class is dismissed early, you shall all clean up and you Mr Weasley are coming with me, as it seems that you can't learn from your mistakes from last time, oh the headmaster won't be getting you out of it this time"

Harry- "looks like Weasley is finally going to be punished for his ways for once"

Draco- "finally, its usually me or you always getting into trouble be he would be the one the start the fights but it would be us two that would get into trouble and not him"

Harry- "he is Dumbledore favourite out of his little followers, of course he is going to get him out of trouble as for me, people need to see I was favourited, I had to put up with the detention unless it invovled both me and Weasley getting into trouble together, thats when he would have to take them to keep am eye on me plus to get me into more trouble during said detentions"

Pansy- "he is such a jerk, I don't know how you and Granger put up with him for so long"

Harry- "I don't know why I didn't see or know the truth sooner or later but I am glad that Hermione is free to do and be friends with who she wants, friends that are actually good to her and me wise well I hope to soon be friends with you all instead of acquaintances"

Draco- "oh shut it Potter, you are our friend, speaking of friends, any of our friends out side the house are invited to the house party next Saturday, you wanna come?"

Harry- I nod "yeah sure, see me there, that if you uncle will allow me to go"

Draco- he raises his eyebrow "whats this about my uncle"

Harry- "I am staying with Professor Snape, you will know tomorrow why, as the Daily Prophet will tell you"

Draco- he nods "I am curious and on edge to know but I will be patient to find out then"

Harry- "I never wanted to keep this secret from anyone especially now you guys but I got forced to do so especially for me past reputation plus people not being it without proof, just like my old school, they didn't believe me either about this situation that is to be said within the Daily Prophet"



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