Chapter 14: Avalon

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My phone rang as I was driving to the apartment to meet Maddock and the boys. I was a little surprised that my father was calling me this fast, but I couldn't resist answering his call since I had a hunch what it was about. Going no contact could be delayed so I could have a moment of satisfaction. The second I accepted his call, his frantic voice filled my car.

"My computer's not working, Avvy! It won't boot up. I have two important clients I'm meeting with this afternoon. I need those client notes."

After what had just gone down and what he'd revealed to me, knowing I was taking the boys and myself out of his life, being told I would no longer be working with him...and all this man was concerned about was his business.

"Sounds like a you problem since I no longer work for you," I said coolly.

"Avvy, come on. Don't do this."

I sighed as if I was giving in. "Did you look for the hard copies of the files? They should be in the file cabinets." 

"Shit! I didn't even think of that." Of course you didn't! I always handled the filing.

I heard banging as he tried to force the doors of the file cabinets open. "I can't get the drawers open!"

"They're probably locked," I said. Duuh. "Check your desk for the keys."

I heard his desk drawers being yanked open. "What the fuck? There's nothing in any of my drawers." His voice was rising steadily as his panic increased.  "I had papers in there I needed!"

Calm down, daddy dear! You don't want to have a stress-induced heart attack like I'm allegedly susceptible to!

"Maybe check my desk for the file cabinet keys?" I suggested mildly.

A pause, then more drawers being ripped open. "Your desk is empty, too!"

"Oh, my. That could be a problem."

"How am I supposed to run my business?"

"That's a great question. I'm sure your new girlfriend and Jared will have all sorts of suggestions to help you get your business back up and running. If they know how to take a business down, they should know how to build one back up."

"Avalon, what have you done?"

"Nothing you didn't deserve."

"I need my passwords and my files!"

"So wish I could help you out, but as a former employee, I feel like that wouldn't be the wisest use of my time. I need to focus on  finding a new job."

"Avalon! Please, you have to help me."

"Then you'll be happy to know that I am helping you! I'm giving you the same kind of help you gave to Maddock when you tried to ruin his business. I'm giving you the same kind of help you gave to Maddock and to me when you tried to destroy our marriage. What more do you expect from me?"

"Avalon!" he snapped at me, his patience running thin, his fear increasing as he realized that he'd given the person he'd betrayed so horribly total control of and access to his life's blood...and I'd just poisoned it.

"No worries, Dad. I'm sure you'll straighten it all out in another seven months or so."

"I'll be ruined if it takes seven months!" Ah, hearing the sheer panic and desperation in his voice made my heart sing despite everything. What an absolute lift to my spirits.

"And now we come full circle in this conversation. Once again, this sounds like a you problem. And those are my last words to you."

I hung up on him as he was begging for my help, and he immediately called back. I declined the call.

Avalon and Maddockजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें