The first spanking

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Zachary couldn't take his eyes off of Amanda. She wasn't seventeen anymore, now seemingly into her late twenties. Her skin was tanned, hair a few inches shorter. She wore a black athletic top which displayed plenty of her cleavage and matching mini shorts.

"Mommy?" Zach was startled to realise how squeaky his voice was.

Amanda just leaned to kiss the boy deeply on his cheek to get a big blush. "Mommy," she repeated. "Good to know that part is imprinted in deep."

Zach shivered. For him Amanda was mommy ever since his birth. He could remember being carried around by her as a toddler, playing with her as he grew up and being taken care of by her all his life. He could also remember being spanked mercilessly by her as he was older.  "But how? You're Amanda."

He remembered Amanda as being a different person.

"Yeah, I offered you the choice to pick your Mommy and you chose her," she replied. "She's better than my real form right?"

He remembered that. "You're a demoness," he muttered.

"Yes but you won't remember that in a bit," Amanda explained. "This version of reality is different than the one you grew up with but you will still remember all the sins and bad things you did wrong and you will be punished for it. In two minutes we will begin with punching Billy. You will come downstairs into the living room and mommy will give my little Zachary his first spanking."

Amanda gave him a hug and a kiss and Zach closed his eyes, blacking out. Waking from his dream in a cold sweat. He was wearing a pastel green tshirt and pyjamas, round soft face. His body was chubbier compared to his gaunt goblin-esque appearance from his past life.

Zach fearfully rubbed his chubby rump through the pyjamas. He remembered mommy being late from work at her meeting and telling him he's getting the hardest spanking of his life first thing in the morning. He got out of bed and slowly made his way through the hallway past her bedroom and study, down the stairs into the kitchen which led to the living room where she sat sipping her coffee in her workout clothes.

"I'm sorry mommy, I got angry with Billy. We were discussing the game and he kept being an idiot! He kept making me mad Mommy, I tried to talk it out but he was so rude! I was soo maad Mommy, I ... and I punched him. But I'm sorry! I'll apologise to him, I swear!" Zachary blabbered.

"Are you trying to wiggle your way out of your spanking, Zach?" Amanda scolded, pulling back a few strands of her hair from her face. "Because you've been getting worse and worse ever since I took it easy on you! Bullying other kids, stealing their lunches? You're being a very bad boy Zachary!"

The boy looked down in shame. He could see her hairbrush in front of her. "Yes Ma'am. I'm sorry Ma'am," he whispered, walking over to her and obediently bending over her knee. He didn't feel like delaying the inevitable. His hands went and grabbed her leg as he hung his head down.

Almost immediately Zach felt white hot pain across his rear as Amanda began spanking him hard with just her hand. He could never believe how much she could hurt his bottom if she felt like it. Her speed and intensity felt almost demonic, it always felt she was enjoying it! Tears began to flow immediately as she worked him over, first across his pyjamas before baring him and grabbing the hairbrush.

"You will be spanked every day for a week for what you did. Mommy's not raising a bully!" Amanda declared as the heavy wood began its assault on his tender flesh. His cries soon devolved into unintelligible noises as the former bully was thoroughly blistered over the knee of a woman whose life he made a living hell. That thought flashed through his brain for a split second before he was bought back to his current reality, that of mommy's bad boy getting his tail turned the shade of an apple.

He felt himself getting sweaty, the floor by her feet now filled with drops of his tears and snot. Every inch of his butt to his lower thighs were now molten. His cries had grown hoarse and Zach was so out of it he didn't realise they had stopped.

He felt his limp body lifted up by her strong arms and made to straddle her as she cupped his chin, making him look up at her beautiful face. "All week," his mommy repeated before she allowed him to hug her.

Zach took a while to relax, Amanda finishing her coffee as he was held. "Mommy, it hurts a lot," he pouted as she kissed him. Mommy always loved to kiss him, he knew. All the parents did. All his friends always ended up in this position, curled up after they got whipped. Often witnessing the spankings of the others.

"Yes so I'll be keeping the pain up with regular trips over my knee," Amanda declared. An all week spanking meant she would randomly take him across her lap if she feels he was getting comfortable.

"All week spankings are evil, it should only be done in hell," he mumbled.

Amanda just laughed, letting him press into her chest. For a brief moment Zachary remembered once more.

"Why are you being cuddly?" He asked her. "You're a demoness."

"Because I enjoy this part, being your mother," the demoness La said gently. "Amanda says she does too," she added with a smile.


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