Milk and switchings

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Was life with Mommy always this good?

Zach couldn't believe just how much he loved her! He spent the whole day just being hugged and kissed and babied. He never wanted this to end!

"Do you not have to go to work?" Zach had asked after they finished playing in the backyard as his beautiful mother put his balls away. Both of them were a bit sweaty from all the exercise, mommy's breasts sticking to the white thin T-shirt she had on.

"I've already told you, baby, mommy's got a few days off. I sold a big mansion for millions for my client and we've got a hefty commission for it," she explained. Zach nodded. He knew mommy worked in real estate, she had her own company and had staff looking at things. She had been a single mother, raising him all alone and working so hard that she didn't get enough time for him. But now she is rich, she got to spend more and more free time with him.

"And it's good that it worked out this way. I've been neglecting my baby quite a bit, only taking time off when you do something bad and I have to spank you for it," she teased with a playful grin, quickly chasing her boy as she began to tickle his sides. Zach giggled and ran around, having mommy play the tickle monster who finally caught up to him and began blowing raspberries on his tummy.

"Hmm.. your tummy has gotten quite skinny, I can count your ribs." She traced her fingers across his flat abdomen. Zach had always been on the skinny side. "Mommy's not been feeding you enough milk."

"Again?" Zach pouted playfully as he watched mommy peel her t-shirt off. "Mommy out here? People will see!" He gasped.

"Oh hush, they'll see a little boy who hasn't been having his milk properly for two months being fed. I've been so busy with the project that I couldn't nurse you at school."

"Uh huh, Mrs Prince and Miss Erikson asked where you were," Zach informed her as he fidgeted, eyeing her magnificent bosom. She had already nursed him every two hours, having taken a lactation pill in the morning. Amanda took her seat by the patio in front of their home and pulled her boy to her breasts, watching his small mouth envelop her thick swollen nipple and slowly began to suckle.

"Big boys your age need at least four to five feedings. I'll be having you on my chest all the time for this week though, you need to put on some meat on your bone. Especially your bummy," Amanda cooed, peppering his face with little kisses. "And I'll see if we can get a playdate with Diana and the twins when we come back from our trip. Mr Erikson is taking Robbie and Tessa out of the country for the holidays just like us."

Zach nodded on mommy's hot, sweaty bosom, the intimacy short-circuiting his brain. Mommy had told him about their trip to the private island place she had leased out for the week and he was excited about it. Sun, sand, beaches, tropical forests with waterfalls and stuff. She said they'd be having a lot of fun!

Amanda rubbed her boy's back. She was enjoying this part, no wonder La liked it so much! She hoped he wouldn't bring up his friends, she did not have the skills to conjure them up. But it was a vacation so she had to come up with an excuse he couldn't see them around.

So a tropical island was the next best thing. La could make a fun convincing tropical island as she'd enjoy spending some time in the sun frolicking around in her bikini. The demoness had agreed to have Zach sleep for half a day while La took over her body and...Amanda guessed she'd be probably having sex with other demons and angels who also worked at the purgatory. And the best thing was, she'd get another week more with her beautiful baby boy.

"Finished with your milkies?" She cooed as he gazed up at her. "Mommy didn't have much for now, I'm gonna have to eat dinner first before you have enough for yours." She explained. "So how about you go take a bath hmm? Mommy will have a quick dinner and once I have more milk we can have a longer num num session."

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