Chapter 7: You broke my heart, I'll break your trust

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The living room fell into a heavy silence after Jimin left by slamming the door shut.

Now it's just Taehyung standing in their empty apartment with nothing but silence engulfing his whole body. he looks down at the floor with a blank expression. His eyebrows were situated together thickly upward his eyes. The blazer slowly slides down from Taehyung's arm and falls over the polished marble floor as the older slumped his shoulder in exhaustion.

He sighed heavily and then walks away from there and heads towards their bedroom. Taehyung opens the bedroom door and saw everything was neatly placed in its position. He slowly walks towards their bed and stands at the edge of it. He then lowered his body and gets on his knees. Taehyung stared at the pillows for a few seconds before he took the pillow that Jimin sleeps with knowing the other slept here last night.

Taehyung took the pillow and guided it towards his nose. He flutters his eyes shut when he smelled his husbands scent from the pillow after a long time. The pillow was slowly losing Jimin's scent from it. Hell, even the whole room was losing his aroma from there. Now, it's again replaced with his scent that Taehyung craves so much.

But Taehyung snapped his eyes open when he got another smell that is totally different from Jimin's and that's when he realized it was coming from his body. Taehyung placed the pillow over the bed again and smelled the scent out of his body with a frown. Tease Perfume from Victoria Secrets, that's what the second scent smells like with a slight hint of white choc chip cookies and choc chip cookies with condensed Milk.

[A/N: Google says that's how Jungkook smells in real life. IDK though.]

It's not even his scent then what- wait, does that mean? Taehyung raised his both eyebrows in realization when he finally recognized who's smell was coming from his body.

Taehyung squished his eyes shut and fumed with anger and disappointment. Why? Just why did all of this have to happen with him? After being loyal to his husband, he never thought he would fail like this. And to whom? His husband's fucking best friend.

Yeah, Taehyung is aware that all of this happened when he was drunk. He wasn't in the right mindset. But the guilt is still there, the thought that he slept with his husband's best friend is enough for him to feel blameworthy and disappointed in himself. Now, even if Jimin accuses him of cheating on him, he can't defend himself confidently. Because though he didn't technically cheat on Jimin, he DID sleep with someone who is not his husband.

Taehyung stood up from his kneeling position and heads to the washroom. He one by one unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt while walking towards the shower glass. He stands before the glass door and lets the shirt slide off of his shoulder and falls to the ground. He got rid of his pants and boxers too before opening the glass door and stepping inside.

Taehyung turned on the shower and soon the warm water began to pour over his numb body. He placed a hand over the marble walls while looking down with both eyes shut. Taehyung hissed when the water made contact with the long scratches all over his back muscle. He hates to get reminded of where or who did he got those scratches from.

After a few minutes, Taehyung gets out of the shower and heads to the closet to dress up for work. He really isn't in a mood to work but he's a fucking CEO, so he has to drag his broken ass to work.


The elevator door opened with a 'ding' sound. Taehyung comes out of the elevator and started his way to the office room. The workers and employees bow down to show respect when they saw their boss has arrived.

Taehyung responded to them with a small nod as he walks beside the cubicles. Finally, he reached his office and gets inside.

Taehyung's office room was huge and there was an equally huge glass wall right behind his desk that shows the whole Seoul city. The CEO sighed as he casually walks to his desk. His nicely polished shoes making tapping noises over the black tiles.

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