Chapter 47: Misunderstanding leads to regrets

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Seoul, 11:30 AM:

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked as he handed Taehyung a cup of coffee and sat beside the said guy on the couch, crossed-legged. A coffee mug in his hand as well.

Taehyung thanked the blonde head silently while accepting the mug of coffee, "Yeah. I am the CEO after all. I need to go back to my company after. . .what happened." Taehyung answered, looking down at the coffee mug with floating marshmallows over it. He leans down and takes a sip.

"Can't your secretary handle everything?" Jungkook asked, hesitant eyes roaming all over the elder lad's side profile while he bit the inside of his bottom lip. Jungkook felt his heart drumming into his chest and he felt a slight hint of fear trying to coil inside him but he was doing his best to surpass the feeling.

He does not want Taehyung to leave the house. At least for a few days.

"Yoongi said there are press gathered outside my company trying to barge in. My office staff is feeling uncomfortable. If I don't go I will leave a bad impression as a boss for leaving my staff in the middle of something they are not accountable for." Taehyung replied calmly, glancing down at the coffee mug once again before he takes a sip from it, letting the warm liquid slide down his throat and spread alleviating warmth through his tight chest.

Jungkook curses under his breath. Of course, the press. The fucking press. They always like to draw a situation that is already at its worst into an absolute fiasco.

Jungkook flinched when Taehyung turned on the TV and the first thing he came across was the news reporter showing the current situation in front of the enormous gate of Taehyung's company. The security guards along with SWAT teams were also trying to hold back the reporters from trying to break into the company.

Taehyung felt the same anxiety and nausea bubbling inside him when the chants "Kim Taehyung we need answers!" echoed inside his ears. He felt like the two sips of coffee he downed through his throat would come out anytime.

The crowd, the chants, the cameras, and the absolute mess that is happening in front of his own company is making him question if he should really go. He was trembling. But then he saw the fear in his worker's eyes. He just can't leave them there abandoned? He's their guardian, a leader and that's not what a wise leader should do. Abandoning their workers at the worst times, for something the leader is responsible for.

Jungkook side glances at Taehyung wearily before snatching the remote from his hand and turning off the TV. He placed his hand over the roof of Taehyung's thigh and squeezed them. Silently reassuring him that he's here and he won't let anyone bring any harm to him.

But Taehyung was far gone from even paying attention to Jungkook's gentle touches.


" Let me come with you."

Taehyung sighed as he shook his head. "Don't forget, you are the main issue here. You are the 'answer' the press wants. They want to hear about you. Bringing you there will create more chaos and I don't want that." Taehyung muttered in a serious tone, dull foxy eyes looking down at the younger with all solemnity.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and jerked his head in annoyance but didn't argue further. Honestly, he doesn't want to leave Taehyung alone at this moment but he knows the older is right. Fuel will add to the chaos if the press sees Jungkook entering the company with Taehyung. The guy who started the whole issue.

The older bites down on his bottom lip and moved closer to Jungkook. The blonde head eyes Taehyung's facial features with a tender gaze yet there was concern written all over those doe orbs. A sigh of contentment escaped through Jungkook's parted lips when Taehyung connected his forehead with his own, and both gently shut their eyes close. "I will be fine." Taehyung breathed out, reassuring the younger. He tilted his head upward and left a small peck over the younger's forehead.

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