Chapter 17: Nowadays, even eye witness isn't enough they wan' time travel

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It's been a week. A week since Taehyung visited Jungkook's house and well, slapped him. After that, Jungkook never saw the older again.

Though, he's still friends with Jimin because he decided not to expose anything to the older. Unlikely of him actually, because he was literally threatening Taehyung to uncover everything in front of Jimin's eyes if he disobeys him.

And even after Taehyung not only disobeyed but also disappointed him, unfortunately, Jungkook still didn't tell.

Don't take him as a loser though. Just because he didn't act to his words, don't think that he can only send threats but can't really perform on it.

He can actually. Believe me when I say he can do much more than this stupid threat of his. He could've exposed everything to Jimin the next morning the night before Taehyung raised his hand at him and end the said guy's relationship with his husband in seconds. But he didn't.

Because he knows how to play the cards.

He knows if he had done that out of anger, that would be a completely clumsy move. He knows if he had exposed everything to Jimin, he would've gained nothing in return but only lose.

He would've lost Jimin and Taehyung at the same time. Jimin would've probably hated on him because of sleeping with his husband behind his back and Taehyung would also hate on him for wrecking his so-called growing relationship with his husband.

And Jungkook doesn't want to lose Taehyung. Especially not like this.

If it was someone else in Taehyung's place, Jungkook would've exposed that mother fucker to his husband in seconds. Because one: he doesn't need that person in his life anymore and two: he would feel satisfied by seeing the person's married life breaking apart just because of him.

But in Taehyung's case, it's complicated. Don't get him wrong though, he would love to see Taehyung and Jimin's married life falling apart too but just because of that stupid satisfaction, he can lose Taehyung forever.

So he decided not to expose the older to Jimin. Instead, he's trying to find a way to dig deeper into his best friend's married life and also into his personal life. He's trying to find any clue, any scope, anything that can help him to get closer to the truth of why Jimin is acting that way. Why he doesn't want to divorce Taehyung where even a complete fool can also tell there's nothing left for them to stay together anyway.

Jimin clearly despises his married life and it shows.

And that's why Jungkook wants to maintain a good relationship with Jimin so that he can get a closer peek into his personal life when he gets the chance to.

That's why he doesn't want to ruin everything by just blurting everything out to Jimin just because out of his stupid jealousy.

But there must be some reason behind this behavior of Jimin. There must be some solid secrets that the silver head is hiding from everyone. And when he'll able to get a hold of it, he's going to use that against Jimin and maybe he'll be able to capture Taehyung into his hold again in the meantime? Maybe he can lure the older towards himself and make him fall out of love?

He doesn't know what the future is holding for him or what he'll actually going to discover by digging into Jimin's personal life. It can be good, it can be bad. But all he just knows is that he wants to play the cards in a way that will cause Taehyung to lure back into his arms like an obedient puppy.

Well, that's what Jungkook likes to call Taehyung. His puppy.

He wants to be the reason behind destroying the older's married life but he also wants to appear innocent in front of his eyes so that whenever Taehyung will seek comfort, he'll come to Jungkook and Jungkook only.

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