Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations

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Kiyotaka POV

As the first day of actual lessons started, my initial assumptions about my classmates were confirmed. It became evident that my class was filled with people who were truly defective. From my position point at the back of the class, I observed their actions, and it was nothing short of disappointing.

If an outsider were to observe our class it may seem that we are unfamiliar with the concept of discipline. They constantly broke even the most basic rules, such as talking over the teacher, incessantly checking their phones, eating in food, and even displaying a complete disregard for attendance.

Sigh, I wouldn't be suprised if our class ends up being the worst in our year. If my theory is proven correct, class D should be the defective class, and given the people who are here I'm starting to believe that I am correct.

Looking to the front of the class I see Ike and Yamauchi both playing games on their new gaming consoles that they bought. It's almost like they don't even mind that the teacher is directly infront of them.

Another observation I made was that the teachers seem to refuse to interfere with any of the actions taken by the student. None of the teachers seem to mind when one of our classmates, comes late, or isn't paying attention in class. Very peculiar for a school that is claimed to be the most prestigous school in Japan.

Of course this is because the school is testing us, I'm sure that most of the higher classes must have realised this. Giving us all these points, not punishing students, and the extensive monitering of students are all indications of the school baiting students into a false sense of security. It's honestly pathetic watching all of my classmtes be so blissfully unaware.

Ike: "Hey Haruki!" I observed with a mix of disbelief and disappointment as Ike and Yamauchi engaged in a conversation right in the middle of class. Everyone could clearly hear them and they didn't seem to care. Apparently the teacher not caring gave them the impression that they could do anything they wanted. It was a display of their ignorance regarding basic classroom etiquette. I couldn't help but question how individuals who had presumably attended regular schools could lack such fundamental understanding.

Glancing towards my neighbor, Ai, I couldn't help but notice the slight shock mirrored on her face. It was clear that she, like me, found the casual disregard for the teacher's instructions and the disruption of the classroom environment troubling.

Over the past few days, I had observed Ai's behavior, and she stood out as one of the few individuals who consistently displayed attentiveness and respect towards the teachers. She made a conscious effort to maintain politeness and refrained from engaging in unnecessary conversations during class periods. Not only that, she often arrived in class as early as I did.

She was one of the few people that actually seemed to care. Hirata, Horikita, Koenji, and Kushida were also among them.

Yamauchi: "Yes Kanji?"

Ike: "Look at this game console I bought!"

Yamauchi: "Wow! What can you play on it?"

Ike: "Well you can play any game you want but I mainly play Overwatch 2! I can't wait for the PVE to come out!" >:)

Yamauchi: "That's so cool! How much was it?"

Ike: "It was only 60,000 points for this!" They're spending points live they have an infinite budget, it's as if they haven't even thought about the anything the school said at all. At this rate they won't have any points by the end of the month.

Yamauchi: "Isn't that a bit expensive for a console?"

Ike: "Well we get 100,000 points each month so why bother saving?"

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