Chapter 20 - Using Kushida

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My eyes fluttered open, the transition from the hazy realm of dreams to the stark reality of my bedroom feeling abrupt and disorienting. The soft morning light seeped through the partially closed blinds, casting a warm glow on the eclectic mix of items scattered around my room. It wasn't a conventional mess but rather a curated chaos, a manifestation of my disinterest in conforming to the expected order.

With a sudden jolt, I propelled myself from the comfort of my bed, sheets disheveled and tangled, evidence of my restless sleep. The room greeted me with its familiar assortment of objects—posters with corners peeling off, half-empty cans of energy drinks, and a collection of tech gadgets strewn across the desk. It was a reflection of a mind in perpetual motion, uninterested in the mundane act of tidying up.

The sight of the scattered belongings elicited a faint smile. It was a stark contrast to the pristine orderliness that often my classmates might expect. Where others saw disorder, I found a peculiar comfort in the randomness that defined my personal space. Perhaps it was a subconscious rebellion.

The events of the previous day flashed in my mind, a sharp contrast to the semi-conscious state I had just emerged from. Kiyotaka's is going to meet with Kushida today.

I ran a hand through my tousled hair, a habitual gesture that accompanied moments of contemplation. The unkempt locks fell back into place. Personal grooming was a secondary concern, eclipsed by the ceaseless stream of thoughts that occupied my mind.

The echo of Kiyotaka's words lingered in my mind, a subtle undercurrent that fueled my lingering suspicion. His sincerity, though seemingly genuine, was not enough to dispel the cloud of uncertainty that shrouded his true intentions. As much as I wanted to trust his words, my mind insisted on withholding any judgment. I would judge him based on actions, not words.

I couldn't allow myself to be swayed by surface-level impressions.

I reached for my phone, its sleek surface cool to the touch, and hastily stuffed it into the pocket of my attire. A quick glance at the screen revealed a series of notifications Airi about where we would be having lunch together. I responded absent mindedly before placing the phone within my pocket.

Before leaving, I surveyed the room, ensuring that I had all the essentials neatly arranged before me. Feeling satisfied with my own preperation I began reading myself to leave my room.

I stood before the mirror, meeting my own gaze with a slightly downcast expression that I quickly overrode with a bright smile. The reflection staring back at me was a calculated composition—an outward representation of Hoshino Ai, the idol carefully crafted for public consumption. Behind the practiced smile and poised demeanor, however, was uncertainty and curiousity.

With an abrupt motion, I slapped my own face with both hands—a symbolic gesture that marked the transition from passive observation to active engagement. The sting on my cheeks served as a physical reminder of the task at hand, a commitment to pierce through the facade that shrouded Kiyotaka's true self.

Today held the promise of unraveling the layers that shielded Kiyotaka from scrutiny, an opportunity to delve into the depths of his character and motivations. Despite the lingering suspicion, curiosity tugged at the edges of my consciousness—an insatiable desire to unravel the mysteries that defined the enigmatic figure known as Kiyotaka.

Ensuring that my essentials were secured, I took a final glance around the room, a silent acknowledgment of the controlled chaos that mirrored the intricacies of my own mind. Today, armed with both suspicion and curiosity, I would embark on the journey to uncover the truth that lay beneath the surface of Kiyotaka's seemingly impenetrable exterior.

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