Chapter 4

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A/N: Not fully canon!


Less than a day later, you were out of the bandages and the whole situation had become nothing more than a memory. You were stood in front of Todoroki's desk with Kirishima and Mina at your side, the four of you chatting.

The door to the classroom began to slide open and the three of you returned to your seats, and in strutted in All Might, flexing his muscles all the way in. You rubbed your eyes and yawned before leaning forward onto your desk and listening to what he was saying.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High!" He exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips. "Think of it as Heroing-101!"

"Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight for the name of good! Let's get into it! Todays lesson: combat training!" He lifted up a small flashcard with the word 'Battle' written in red.

He pointed at the wall where several drawers slid out, all containing everyone's hero costumes before ordering everyone to meet at Training Ground Beta. He left the classroom and everyone bounded out of their seats eagerly to see their costumes. 

Everyone got changed into their costumes. The main part of yours was a long-sleeved unitard, dark red in colour with a volt of orange and bright red electricity on the right side. One leg of the unitard was long, and the other was short. On the shorter side, your had a thigh high boot, and on the other was a knee-high boot.

Strapped to your thigh on the longer side was a sleeve for an extendable spear, which you could charge electricity through and aim it at any specific target. You had gauntlets on each arm - not huge ones like Bakugou's - which were specially designed for your claws to create extra protection so you wouldn't accidentally injure yourself.

Your cleavage was showing more than you'd liked, as the unitard was a v-neck, but you didn't want to hassle anyone. Plus, it wouldn't get in the way. You also had a metallic headband with two spaces for your fox ears. The headband was also specially designed so that it could help focus electricity to your ears.

Although the unitard was skin-tight and you'd heard a few other girls complain about it, you actually found that it somehow helped to conduct your electricity better. Either way, it wasn't what you'd requested and you wanting to scoop out Mineta's eyeballs. Your tail wagged behind you and you began to wonder if you should've asked for something cute on your tail.

Before you knew it, nearly everyone was filing out of the changing rooms and making their way to Ground Beta. You quickly slipped your headband on and ran out after them.

"Hey Mina!" You called out after her as you quickened your pace to catch up with the others. She paused and turned around to see who said her name, and her face brightened when she saw you.

"Hey Y/N!" She waved to you and stopped walking, letting you catch up to her. "Woah, nice costume Y/N! You look hot!"

"So do you! Loving the the fur collar. Super cute." You chuckled as the two of you made your way to Ground Beta.

Once the two of you arrived, you noticed that everyone was in a big huddle, all of them complimenting each others costumes. You noticed Todoroki a bit further down and called out to him, but you were interrupted by a shout from All Might.

Everyone quickly sorted themselves into rows, all listening in to All Might.

"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!" He bellowed, in his usual stance with his hands on his hips.

"Sir!" You heard Iida call out, eventually identifying where his voice had come from to be a taller figure with loads of metallic armouring. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we will be conducting urban battles again?"

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