Chapter 5

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Todoroki walked up the staircase to the 4th floor, not even taking a second glance around the room. Ojiro remained in the same place that he'd been frozen in, struggling to move. As Todoroki approached, he got into a fighting stance.

"Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight me with no skin on the bottom of your feet." Todoroki's voice was cold and shot daggers at Oijro, but nevertheless, Ojiro dropped his hands and remained in place.

Todoroki walked past him, when suddenly, Ojiro yelled, "Y/N, NOW!"

Todoroki inhaled sharply as a large volt of electricity came pummelling his way, sending him reeling into a wall. Todoroki quickly got up, shooting ice out towards you, when Ojiro quickly leapt in the way and shattered this ice with a strong strike from his tail.

Todoroki sighed, "So, it's a fight then?"

You smirked, "Fuck yeah."

He narrowed his eyes, "So be it."

He quickly fired more ice towards you, before suddenly redirecting it to Ojiro. It trapped him and locked him against the wall. He grunted in effort as he tried to shatter the ice with his tail.

Todoroki turned to face you again, but you were gone. He looked around for you, but you were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, he felt something soft nuzzling at his feet. He looked down in confusion, only to see a fox. The fox rolled onto its back, exposing its belly."Is this one of Koda's animals? What's it doing here?"

It was too late that he'd noticed the red and yellow stripe across the fox's tail, when you quickly turned out from your fox form and into a human. You managed to grab one of his hands as you kicked your feet into his stomach and pushed upwards, launching him backwards over your head.

He slid across the ice, making a deep cut on his arm from a shard, before quickly getting up and entering a fighting stance. You stood up and started running towards him, electricity sparking in your palms. Suddenly, he placed his left hand on the pillar beside him, and the ice began to melt. Until this point, you'd never known that Todoroki had a heat ability.

"Woah, Sho! You've got heat too? How did you never tell me that?" You yelled out to him and the ice melted and hot water dripped onto you. You winced slightly as the hot water burned your face and chest, but continued running.

You placed the heels of your hands together, firing a blast of electricity towards him, but in the last moment, Todoroki leapt upwards and created a path of ice in front of him. He slide towards you on the ice before landing a harsh blow to your stomach, leaving you winded. You coughed slightly, when suddenly some ice blew past your feet and swept you off your feet.

You landed on your backside again, before quickly extending your claws and digging them into the ice. You pulled backwards, and just as you flung yourself forward, you retracted them again, sending you hurtling towards Todoroki.

But, you were just too slow for him as he threw another hit, this time to your face, and knocked you completely over. You groaned as a small stream of blood trickled from your nose. You rapidly forced yourself upwards again, swiping the blood away with the back of your hand.

"Nice hit." You said, your ears twitching in agitation.

"Thanks." Todoroki responded nonchalantly and fired more ice towards you.

You rapidly leapt upwards, narrowly missing the ice as it made a small cut through the fabric on your thigh. It split your skin, hot red blood pooling to the surface of your thigh. You winced. 

Todoroki didn't even flinch as you slid down the ice he created towards him, when you hastily turned into a fox and continued sliding. He looked down at you, suddenly shooting more ice towards you, before you leapt upwards and turned into a human. You flew towards him and landed a harsh kick to his face with both feet.

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