Chapter 4

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Betty's POV
"I'm warning you Betty that if you tell someone i'm going to kill you". I hold onto his hand trying to remove it as he grabbed my neck tightly.

"S-stop let go your hurting me please let me go" I said almost out of breathe.

"I'm coming to get you dont forget about that" he said as I began losing my vision.

I quickly woke up and began breathing quickly. I wrapped my hand around my legs rocking back and forth trying to control myself. "Oh my god it was just a dream, it's just a dream" I repeated. This is the third time this week. Lately I have been having nightmares about my dad whether he is hurting me or hurting my mom.

I haven't told my mom about these nightmares because I always think they will leave soon but they don't they just keep coming back.

I was finally able to relax but couldn't go back to sleep and it was currently 6:25 so I decided to take a shower to relax more and start the day.

After the long shower I took and very much needed I got ready i did some light makeup. I put on a black v neck shirt with blue jeans and put on my white converse. I did my hair half up and half down and curled the end of my hair. I checked the time and it was 7. I had like an hour still till school started. I made my way down and decided to make breakfast. I soon heard footsteps making their way down meaning my moms awake.

"Oh hey honey your awake,early" My mom said

"Yea, I couldn't go back to sleep last night, want some breakfast" I said

"Yea sure" she said

I quickly made breakfast for my mom. After we finished breakfast we began to finish getting ready. Last night Cheryl texted me saying that she was going to pick me up from my house so that we'll both go to school together. I went back upstairs and touched up my make-up a little and gathered all my notebooks and put them on my backpack.
Cheryl's POV
I was on my way to pick up Betty because I thought it would be a good idea if we could talk a bit more before school starts. I want to take her to her new classes today and I also wanted to visit Alice to see how she's doing. I haven't been able to see them in a while because  they are always on the run.

Oh I just wish I could kill Hal myself for making them suffer. Betty has told me stories about how bad he has treated them and that they can't go out because they are afraid of being found by him. Till they finally settled here in Riverdale. I'm happy they're here I could finally spend more time with them.

I soon made it to Betty's house. I made my way to the front door and knocked on it till they opened it and it was Alice.

"Hey Cheryl what are you doing here" She asked

"Oh I'm here to pick up Betty" I said and she nodded

"Betty, Cheryls here," she shouted.

"Why don't you come inside she'll be down in a bit" she said as she let me pass

"Thank you. So how have you guys been" I asked

"We've been doing great I haven't heard anything about him and I have been slowly recovering but doing much better" she said

"I'm happy you both are doing great" I said and soon heard Betty walking down the stairs.

"Okay i'm ready let go" I turned and saw her happy I wish I could see her like that everyday.

"Alright i'll see you later Alice" I said as me and Betty made our way outside

"Bye mom I'll see you later" Betty said

"Okay be safe and have a good day at school" Alice said

"We will" we replied as we got to my car and began making our way to school
Jughead's POV

"Hey just admit it I won and you lost" I said to Fangs.

Last night we had a game of pool and it was Toni vs Sweet Pea and me vs Fangs and Sweet pea had won against Toni and I obviously won but Fangs wont stop whining about it

"Whatevers I still think you cheated" he said and I just rolled my eyes as the rest just laughed at him

We were at the school's parking lot talking and waiting till class started. A few minutes passed till I saw a car pull up and saw that it was Betty and Cheryl. They began walking to the school half way till her eyes locked with mine. When I saw Betty looking at me and smiled at me. God that smile I wish I could always see that smile. Cheryl realized and pulled Betty with her and walked faster till they made it inside the school.

"Jughead...Jughead....JUGHEAD" I snapped my head to the person shouting and realized it was Toni who was shouting.

"Jeez topaz why are you shouting" I said as I rubbed my ears

"We'll if you focused on what I was saying I wouldn't have shouted" she said

"Well sorry" I said as I rolled my eyes

"To begin, who were you so focused on that you couldn't hear me huh?" She said back

"Um no one". Am I that focused on her damn.

"Really?". She arched her brow, she's definitely knows I'm lying.

"Yes really, now let's head inside" I said as I rolled my eyes at her and made my way through Riverdale high's doors.

I know it's bad to get close to her but I can't seem to get my eyes of her. She has something, like a sting tugging me towards her. I will bring danger towards her if I get to her and I don't want anything to happen to her especially when I'm the one to blame for thoes problems.

"Hey man you good you seem a little off"

"Huh yea just a little tired and you know the issues with the Whyte Wyrm and just a lot of stuff on my head right now". I did in fact have a lot in mind-Betty-thought it was a problem I didn't want them to get involved.

"Yea I know how you feel. But lighten up man, we were planning on going to the spot later tonight you down?" Sweatpea questioned me, I didn't feel like going but if it helps me to forget about her I'll take the chance.

"Yea sure"

"Great then I'll see you later. I have math sadly I hate that teacher she's a bitch" I rolled my eyes at his response.

"Yea she is good luck man" I said heading to my class

Chemistry here we go the worst class to have I'm not bad at that class is just the people and the teacher that I hate. I took a seat at the end of the classroom and put my head down waiting for the class to start.

"Okay class I like you to meat our new student, Elizabeth Cooper" I snapped my head up and locked eyes with her.

"Betty, please call me Betty". Well I'm not the only one who hate their first name.

"Okay Betty please take a seat next to Jughead". Fuck so much for avoiding her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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