Chakra Cloak

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Dense chakra filled the area. All eyes glued to (Y/n). A dense shroud of chakra around the him. The shroud, a translucent red with bubbles of chakra ,reminiscent of boiling liquid, forming all along it. Claws of chakra formed at his hands and his eyes turned blood red.

Tobirama: "Jinchuriki?!"

Hiruzen: "It seems young (Y/n) has been keeping secrets from me. Either that or he never knew he was a Jinchuriki."

Minato: "Such devastating chakra!"

Hashirama: "How sad such a young boy is burdened by such a task. Even Mito was quite old when he was the nine tails jinchuriki."

Orochimaru: 'Now then which tailed beast does this one possess?'

The ground trembled under the Jinchūriki's thunderous footsteps as it charged towards Tobirama. Fuelled by fury, the beast's speed and strength were unmatched, leaving craters in its wake. Tobirama's keen eyes narrowed, and he braced himself for the impending clash.

As (Y/n) swung his colossal fist of chakra, Tobirama ducked and retaliated with a powerful kick, aiming for his midsection. The force of the blow would have sent a regular opponent flying, but (Y/n) barely flinched. His chakra cloak absorbed most of the impact, allowing it to follow up with a vicious counter-attack.

Tobirama swiftly backpedalled to create distance and weaved hand seals. He unleashed a Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, directing a torrent of water dragons towards the Jinchūriki. The water dragons surged forward, attempting to crash into the beast with unstoppable force.

However, the Jinchūriki, undeterred, manipulated the One-Tailed Chakra to form a protective barrier around itself. The water dragons collided with the barrier, causing an explosion that sent torrents of water in all directions. (Y/n) emerged from the spray, roaring defiantly.

Undeterred, Tobirama switched tactics. He utilized the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport behind the Jinchūriki, aiming to deliver a powerful kick to its back. Yet, the Jinchūriki's senses were heightened by its rage, and it turned with blinding speed, catching Tobirama's leg in its monstrous grip.

(Y/n): "Too slow!"

Tobirama winced as his's grip tightened, but Tobirama didn't falter. With lightning-fast reflexes, he used his free leg to deliver a barrage of powerful kicks to (Y/n)'s face, forcing it to release him. He quickly somersaulted backward to create distance once again.

Knowing that brute force alone might not be enough, Tobirama decided to employ his formidable ninjutsu skills. He leaped high into the air, weaving hand seals as he fell. With precise timing, he unleashed a Water Style: Water Colliding Wave technique, creating a colossal wave that surged towards the Jinchūriki.

Caught off guard, (Y/n) was engulfed by the massive wave, momentarily subdued by the powerful water assault. Tobirama seized this opportunity and activated the Shadow Clone Technique, creating multiple clones to surround the trapped (Y/n).

The clones coordinated their attacks, striking the Jinchūriki from all angles. Tobirama himself appeared in front of the beast, his fists and legs moving in a blur as he unleashed a barrage of attacks. Blow after blow landed on (Y/n), shaking his resolve and enraging him further.

With a large roar, a shockwave boomed and dispersed all of Tobirama's clones. The bubbling chakra started to form another tail behind (Y/n).

Tobirama: "Two tails?"

(Y/n): "My power is raising, OVERFLOWING!!!"

His chakra got even more dense, even more powerful. The powerful he got, the more sinister he felt. (Y/n) started to calm a bit. But he instantly turned to Orochimaru. (Y/n) zoomed towards Orochimaru.

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