3. Meet Mom

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Claire's mom>>
The next day I had the morning off so Delaney didn't need to go to my parents and we could both sleep in...or so I thought.


I heard dill yell from the side of the bed.

I slowly raised my head from my pillow to look at her.

"Yes baby?" I asked groggily.

"I want food" She exclaimed.

I looked at the alarm clock sitting on my nightstand and groaned.


"Dill how about you come up here and lay with me for a little while and then we can get food?"

She nodded before I helped her up onto my bed.

I then realized she had no clothes on besides her pull-up.

"Where are your clothes dill?" I asked curiously.

She looked down at her little body before looking back at me and shrugging.

"I got hot"

Was all she said before she laid down on my chest.

Which I quickly realized was a big mistake because I felt something wet on my lower stomach.

"Dill does your pull-up need changed?"

She sat up and she looked like she was about to cry.

I was trying really hard to stop her bed wetting problem but it just seemed she couldn't control her bladder at night which is why she had to wear pull-ups.

"Dill I'm not mad" I told her while pulling her down gently so I could kiss her cheek.

"Okay come on let's go get you changed and then we can go out and get breakfast" I told her because I didn't feel like cooking.

I sat up with her still sitting on me and walked into the bathroom so I could give her a quick bath because I didn't want her smelling of urine all day.

I put her down so I could start the bath and when she saw me turn the bath on she freaked out.

"No daddy" She cried before running out of the bathroom.

She hates bathes so it's always a struggle to give them to her.

I got up so I could go grab her.

When I walked into my bedroom I acted like I couldn't find her even though I saw her feet sticking out from underneath my bed.

"Well I guess I'll just have to go to the mall by myself after I go and get breakfast" I exclaimed, then waited for her reaction.

"No wait daddy" She exclaimed while she scrambled to get out from underneath the bed.

"Oh did you wanna go to the mall too?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yes please" She said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Okay well you need to take a bath before we can go"

She quickly nodded before darting into the bathroom.

I chuckled before following after her.
After we ate breakfast I took Delaney to the mall as promised.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked Delaney as we walked into the mall.

I looked down at her and she was watching all the people walk around, she was starting to look terrified.

"Do you want me to carry you baby?"

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now