15. Darkness

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"I don't want to go too far" I told her truthfully and she nodded in agreement.

"Braydon, I like you, like a lot and I hope you feel the same way..." She took a breath before continuing.

"Will you go out with me?" She asked bravely.

I looked at her and was about to reply when I was interrupted.

"Of course he will!"

I looked over to see my mom with a huge smile on her face and her hands clasped together in excitement.
Claire's eyes snapped towards my moms too and she immediately blushed since my parents most likely saw us make out.

"Mom get out" I said.

She smiled before pushing my dad back outside.

"I'm sorry about them" I told Claire.

She shrugged before looking at me.

I knew what she was waiting for.

She was waiting for an answer.

"And to answer you previous question, yes I would love to go out with you"

She lit up light Christmas morning before pulling me into a hug.

"I've never been asked out, I've always been the one to ask a girl out"

She laughed against my chest before sitting back up.

"I'll go get your parents" She said jumping up from the couch.

I watched her walk toward the door and smiled.

She's going to fit right in.

Just as my parents walked into the room I heard little feet running down the stairs.

"Daddy!" I heard Delaney whimper while running straight to me.

I leaned down and picked her up, cuddling her to my bare chest.

"What's the matter baby?" I whispered so she would become calmer.

"Something wrong with Binkie" She whimpered.

I instantly picked her up and walked past my parents and Claire and up to Delaney's room.

I walked in and saw Binkie twitching and yelping in her sleep while her legs were moving.

I smiled at little and Delaney looked at me.

"Daddy, what are you smiling?" She asked and tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Baby, Binkie is just having a bad dream" I said while setting her back down on her bed.

"Like me?" She asked and I nodded.

Dill looked at Binkie and I knew she still wasn't sure.

So I reached over and gently shook Binkie and her eyes snapped open before she lifted her head slowly and looked around before laying her head back down and falling asleep.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now