Chapter 5

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Brain: "Uhh quick, make up some AU details that sound somewhat believable!"

You looked up at the ceiling of the large cavern you were in. The myriad of crystals that decorated the walls cast an almost ethereal glow on your surroundings. You would've liked to see if you could touch one, maybe keep it, if it wasn't for the fact that you couldn't. Instead, when you tried reaching out, you only ended up straining yourself pointlessly.

Dejected, you let yourself go limp, dangling in Error's strings. You looked up at him, glaring with renewed anger. "Was this really necessary?" you snapped. His smile gained a confused edge as it slowly lessened. Immediately, you wished you'd maybe been a bit nicer in voicing your frustration, but that was quickly overshadowed by his response.

"Obviously, did you really think I'd let you do whatever you wanted?" he asked like he couldn't understand why you'd think otherwise. It left you shocked. There's no way he didn't know what you'd think of this. It was obvious you'd been anticipating seeing an AU since you'd asked to come with to provide 'assistance', but that didn't mean only seeing, you wanted to explore too!

Feeling too aggravated to even grace that with a response, unless you wanted to 'accidentally' curse Error in your outrage, you scoffed and turned away. Fine, if that's how he wanted to play it, you'd just ignore him and enjoy what you could anyways.

His confusion turned to annoyance at your attitude. Sniffing derisively, he shifted his focus to your environment, scrutinizing it closely. You didn't see anyone else around, but there was a stream of water next to you that gurgled and flowed in a soothing way, and a cluster of echo flowers nearby that whispered too faintly for you to hear. As you pushed yourself to listen closer, you suddenly heard a shout.

"HEY! What are you doing here?! Who are you?" the voice questioned. As Error turned to face the voice, you finally got a full view of what they looked like. They had fishlike features, dark red and toxic green armor, black gloves and combat boots, and were holding a bright green and black, glowing spear.

You could instantly tell they were a version of Undyne. Her scarred eyes were squinted in suspicion, her shark-like teeth pulled into a tight frown. As she scanned Error's form, her face gradually darkened, until eventually, she spotted you, hanging innocently from his belt.

Her face twisted into a disturbed expression. It seems Error wasn't the only one you'd creep out at first sight. Tearing her gaze away, she looked back to his face. Her stance becoming defensive, she aimed her spear at him. "So, are you gonna answer my questions or do we have to do this the hard way?" she threatened.

Error blinked, before suddenly laughing loudly. It startled you, the only time you'd heard him laugh was that one time in the Anti-void, and this one didn't sound nearly as genuine. When his laughter quieted, he leveled a glare at the Undyne.

"Does it really matter?" he sneered, "It's not like you're going to live long enough to remember it." And with that, he sent a barrage of bones at her. The Undyne jumped back, using her spear to deflect what she could and dodging what she couldn't.

You cringed, this wasn't what you wanted to see when you came here. It was inevitable, you knew, but seeing it in person was so much worse than reading about it in fanfiction. The small cuts that accumulated on her skin was making yours 'crawl.' The blood that coated her armor made you shudder.

"Is that all you've got beanpole?!" she snarled angrily. Even though she said that, you could tell she was getting tired. Her counterattacks were becoming inaccurate and her steps wobbly.

As the Undyne continued her desperate attempts to avoid the bones, you noticed a single thread Error had sent coming from behind her. You lurched, reaching a hand out. "Watc–" You didn't get to finish warning her before the string pierced her back and exited through her chest plate.

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