Chapter 35

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The walk to the throne room–which you are sure Nightmare was thoroughly enjoying forcing everyone to do–was uncomfortable, to put it lightly. Everyone had already gotten what they needed or extras of what they already had, but now there was nothing to distract Killer. So, what did he do?

He began harassing Cross with lewd jokes that would have made you blush if doing so was possible. It certainly made Cross, so that made you feel a bit better. You could not see Error's face from the angle you had, but you assumed he was blushing too. It was not every day you heard such crude things after all... Actually, it might be with Killer around.

Nightmare, Dust, and Horror seemed unfazed, but that was likely because they were used to such behavior from Killer. That, and you figured Nightmare's dark expression anytime he got near probably warded him away from attempting to bug him too, at least for now.

You were surprised Killer was only targeting Cross, but maybe he was feeling vengeful for something... you think it might have had to do with Cross being the 'reason' he got punished. Of course, it was Killer's own fault, but he would not admit to that, would he? It could be for another reason, but that was the only one you knew of so you stuck with it.

When the throne room doors finally came into view, you breathed a sigh of relief. You had been getting a little nervous because you noticed that Error had been progressively more agitated the longer the walk took.

Now that the destination was right there, Killer would hopefully stop pestering Cross and spare everyone any more of his knowledge on "the best pickup lines", his current topic. You were curious about where he got the information but were too wary to ask. You did not want to find out if he used and approved of them himself.

Once everyone had filed in–and Killer shut up, thankfully–Nightmare stepped forward. Then, he lifted a hand, and a portal appeared. Seeing it, you realized you had not seen him open one before. Leaning forward, you admired the dark wisps that circled it and the black sheen of its surface.

Unlike Dream's that appeared with the tinkling of bells, Nightmare's opened with the low tones of a piano. You did not know if anyone else heard the faint sounds like you did, but you found it rather fascinating. Did every portal do that or just the ones you have seen so far?

Putting aside that thought, you observed what you could see inside. It looked like the back of a narrow alleyway. It was raining, very quiet rumbling in the distance as the rain covered everything in a haze. To the left was a big dumpster full of large bags. You were a bit curious if there was anything interesting inside.

The walls on either side were red brick, the color dark in some places and slightly faded in others. On the right was a metal door with a small window. Above it was an old, flickering light. Littering the ground were a bunch of broken bottles, the shards scattered haphazardly. You admired the way color reflected off of them.

Inspecting the ground closer, you leaned away when you noticed some yellow stains. It appeared someone had thrown up recently, and the rain had not yet washed it away. It was gross, and you were more than a little hesitant to go inside.

Before Nightmare stepped through, he turned back to once again address his gang, "Remember, we are not going here to cause trouble. I do not want to have to clean your messes and reschedule this 'meeting' with the blue Star."

His gaze drifted over everyone—lingering briefly on you and Error—before it narrowed as it landed on a yawning Killer, "That applies to you especially Killer," he added sharply. Killer, mid-yawn, waved him off.

"Yeah, yeah Boss," he answered, voice muffled behind his other hand. Nightmare scowled, but apparently deeming it too much of a hassle—or just pointless—to respond, turned back and beckoned everyone to follow him. Error then scoffed, drawing Nightmare's attention back.

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