Chapter 28

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You leaned forward in your beanbag, on the edge of your seat, absolutely enthralled by the drama of Undernovela. In this copy, Sans, or Sin, had kidnapped Toriel in the dead of night to whisk her away to his hideout in the most dangerous part of the city.

You still did not know what the actual relationship between the two was, but you felt like you were witnessing something forbidden. If you could eat and had easy access, you would be eating popcorn and wearing some sunglasses to complete the look.

When Asgoro found out Toriel was missing, he quickly left with a group of his most trusted men, enraged and desperate to find her. Though you did not understand a word they were saying, the raw emotions they displayed were enough to draw you in.

You were startled from further watching when a blur of blue dropped in your lap, causing you to flail as you attempted to keep yourself from tipping over onto the floor at the unexpected weight. You succeeded, barely, and managed to flop back onto your beanbag. You huffed as Error snickered, choosing to ignore him so you could examine the object.

You gasped. It was your bow, good as new! You lifted it carefully, gently thumbing the material. It looked even better than it did before, somehow. You sniffed, suddenly feeling a bit emotional, and hugged it tightly to yourself.

You missed being able to wear it in all of its new, wonderful glory. When Error was not there, its weight was what reminded you that you were not alone. That he would find you and you would be together again, watching Undernovela and making fun of the inhibatiants' choices as he made intricate, beautiful dolls resembling them to a T.

You felt a light pressure, from Error's hand you knew, rub the top of your head. You lifted your head to peek out of the fabric and stare at him curiously, sniffing again. He gave you a tired, but gentle smile.

"Why don't you put on your bow so we can head to Grumpy's castle?" he asked softly. You snorted at the name, returning the smile as you nodded shyly.

You rub your face on the fabric for a moment in joy before sitting back up. You focused back on your bow, readjusting your hold on it. Then, you reached up behind you and wrapped it around your neck. Done, you looked up to Error.

He grinned, seemingly satisfied, before reaching down to carefully lift you and set you in a divet on his scarf. He stood and moved further away from your cozy corner to somewhere emptier. He lifted his hand, about to open a portal when you suddenly thought of something and poked him in the cheekbone. He paused and turned his skull to stare at you inquisitively.

"Where's my crossbow?" you asked, confused. You were sure he had to have already put some kind of strap on it for you. So logically, he should have given it to you along with your bow. Error rose a bonebrow.

"I've decided I'm going to hold onto it until we get somewhere you can practice," he said plainly. You 'gaped'. Wha-did he not trust you to use it?! Sure, you probably could not aim for shit at the moment and there was no reason to need it yet, but you could at least hold it. You huffed, indignant.

"I don't need to practice to be able to hold it!" you complained, crossing your arms. And even if you did, it surely could not be that hard. It was just holding a crossbow for goodness sake. He rolled his eyelights fondly.

"You can wait, it won't take too long to find a training room. I'm sure they have one there somewhere," he drawled. You groaned but did not argue. Instead, you slumped into his scarf and turned your head away to show your displeasure. Obviously, it did not work as you intended, because Error merely chuckled at the display.

You turned back when you heard the sound of a glitchy portal opening. Inside, you could make out what you assumed was the entrance to the living room, just outside in the hall. Seeing the hall made you briefly wonder if any of the Stars had found the picture frame you hid underneath their console table.

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