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attempted reconciliations

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attempted reconciliations

The boys in the main villa were feeling good the next morning. Knowing that the girls had had their fun the night before, it was time for the boys to get a taste of Casa that day. "You miss Sienna last night bro?" Ty asked Zach as the boys all had a debrief.

"I did," Zach rubbed his face. "Like don't get me wrong, this is exciting, but I am wondering where she was sleeping last night, you know?"

In the Casa villa, Whitney was asking the group about their first night, who was cuddling and all of the good stuff. The girls then headed on outside to have a little debrief. They all talked about who they were planning to speak to that day. 

"How was sharing with Ben?" Catherine asked Sienna.

"He was very respectful," Sienna nodded. "I do think I'll chat with him more today, I feel like we have similar personalities."

"I will say in bed last night, Nathan was saying he was only wanting to pursue you," Leah revealed to the group and Sienna, the girl rolling her eyes.

"He's delusional," Sienna scoffed. "Like even if I was fully single, I would not go back there. There is certain types of growth I can support, but there is no way he's all of a sudden a man and has actual morals. That is not happening."

The girls headed back inside to get ready for the day, putting on bikinis and heading out to the garden for coffee and breakfast. Sienna sighed as she saw Nathan waiting with a cup and a plate of avocado toast, something everyone in the villa knew was the girls favorite morning food. "Let's get this over with so you can move on," Sienna said with a sigh as she grabbed the food and led Nathan over to one of the couches. 

"How are you feeling?" Nathan asked with a half smile. 

"Honestly shocked you thought you should come in here and go for a second chance," Sienna shook her head as she took a bite of toast. "Like, in what world do you think that after how we ended I would want to come back to that?"

"I just thought I had to take this opportunity to try and show you I've changed," Nathan tried. "I think you would be doing yourself a huge disservice to not even give me a chance."

"Nathan, you know that I don't do second chances like that," Sienna shook her head. "You don't quite understand how you hurt me. You chose the person in my life who I was closest with to betray me. You can't come back from that. And she can't either, I would have this exact same conversation with her."

"I just think I did some self reflecting, and I am a better man now," Nathan went on to reason. "I think I'm in a better head space to be a good partner."

"Good for you," Sienna nodded. "But that won't be me. I don't need to be your guinea pig, I hope you can be a great guy for another girl, but I'm not here for you to test it out on." It was with that last comment that Sienna stood up and made her way back to the main part of the villa.

Back in the main villa, the boys were still getting over their shock seeing Molly back in the villa. Michael seemed like he had seen a ghost as the girls asked what boys were closed off, Ty being the main boy saying he was closed off for this experience. "Zach, what about you?" Tink asked the taller boy. 

"I'm not officially closed off," the boy admitted. "And you girls are beautiful, we will have to see how things go. But Sienna is definitely in the back of my mind, and knowing the connection I have with her, I don't know if I can see something coming close to that." 

The boys didn't take much time splitting up and getting to know some of the new girls better. Zach and Ty were sat with Abi and Molly when Ty's phone rang. "Islanders, buckle up. It's a bout to get racy as the villas go head to head in raunchy races."

Both villas were feeling the pressure, gearing up to compete with each other. The game started out strong with having to act out sex positions. Sienna ended up in doggy with Ouzy, and the Main Villa won that round. The next challenge was for the tallest girls to like the neck of the boys they liked most, Gabby and Ella working their magic on the boys with the Casa villa winning that point. The afternoon ended up with the Main Villa winning the Raunchy Races.

"We'll throw our own party," Sienna shrugged as the Casa group all pouted a bit, swearing they could hear the yells from the Main Villa. The girls all trailed inside slowly to get ready for the evening, talking about the boys as they got ready. Ella was chatting about Ouzy, thinking he may be able to turn her head a bit.

Jess led the Casa villa in a fun toast that night, before the group split up to chat. In the Main villa, after having a dance, Zach found himself sat with Gabby. "I think you are obviously my top boy in here," the girl revealed as Zach sipped on his drink.

"That's nice of you to say," Zach rubbed his face. "You're a lovely girl, yeah."

"Where is your head at after today then?" Gabby tried to move closer to the boy.

"I think like, my head is still with Sienna honestly," Zach admitted. "Like, not to be cheesy, I'm not sure I've ever felt like this about a girl. I think she's someone I could see a future with so this situation is a bit tough for me, not knowing what she's doing." It was with those words, that Gabby took a step back as the boy continued to chat about Sienna. It was easy to tell the taller boy was infatuated, and it wasn't hard for the rest of the casa girls to begin to direct their attention elsewhere.

In the Casa villa, Sienna found herself chatting with both Ben and Ouzy that evening. They were both lovely boys, but she felt like they would be great guy friends, not  partners. The girl made it her goal to keep away from Nathan still, seeing the boy eyeing her often. 

The boys were definitely playing the casa game that night, laying it on thick. Kodie had pulled Sienna for a chat and seemed far too confident when it came to the girls, and she had turned down his ask about sharing a bed seeing as she had already asked Ben to save her again. Kodie hadn't let that deter him, trying to talk Sienna up even with the girl side eyeing him.

Towards the end of the night, the girls had a quick debrief. Sienna was a little shocked to hear Ella saying it seemed like her head was scrambled with Ouzy. The girls tried to give her advice before it came time to get ready for bed, heading into the villa. 

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