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movie night

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movie night

"You sleep alright last night?" Zach asked Sienna the next morning, the girl curled up on his chest.

"I did," she nodded. "You?"

"Yeah, it was nice to have some peace and quiet," Zach sighed. "I feel like this is gonna sound so soft, but last night was unreal."

"Oh because you think I'm hot?" Sienna teased as she sat up, her hair mussed up from sleep.

"No, because I feel like it brought us even closer," Zach shrugged, playing with her fingers. "Like, I know this is a game show, but I don't even care about that. I just can't wait to take you home."

"Awh Zach," she cooed, leaning over to press a quick kiss to his lips, pulling back with a soft smile. The two were laying back down to continue their pillow talk when they were informed. itwas time for them to head back to the villa. The two packed up and got their clothes back on slowly, trying to extend their time away. 

As soon as they opened the door, the group of islanders in the main bedroom were cheering. Sienna hid her face and hurried over to climb into bed with Jess and Whitney, pulling the covers over her as the boys tried to quiz the two of them. The girls all just looked at the brunette with knowing looks, before the excitement was cut with the sound of a text.

"I've got a text," Abi shared with a laugh. "Abi, it's time for you and Mitchel to head out on your first date. Please get ready to leave the villa."

The girls were all quick to hop out of their beds, heading upstairs to help the blonde get ready. The girl was clearly buzzing, putting her outfit on before the islanders gathered to send her and Mitch off in the foyer. The remaining girls headed upstairs to get ready for the day, putting on bikinis before Sienna was dragged to the day beds in the garden by Jess and Whitney.

"How was your night?" Whitney asked the girl with a smirk, Sienna giggling uncomfortably.

"You know, he made me feel really comfortable with him," Sienna admitted as she leaned back. "It was nice to just have that time to ourselves, but I feel like he did open up to me and that meant a lot to me."

"It's giving," Whitney paused dramatically. "Falling in love."

"Whitney!" Jess and Sienna both shrieked, though the latter hid her face in her hands as she turned red. 

"Sienna oh my days," Jess cuddled the girl. "Are you?"

"I mean," Sienna looked at them shyly. "Maybe? I don't know, it's hard! Like I have really strong feelings for him, but I do have those trust issues. And like, in my head, I am used to being further along than the boy when it comes to my feelings, and I think it's holding me back a bit."

"You just need to let all of that go," Whitney advised. "You need to focus on your current situation with Zach and how he makes you feel. Every girl knows how it feels to have walls up because they've been hurt, but don't let that hold you back from something special."

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